很久以前,广东一直是中国最偏远的地方,缺乏统治者的所有资助。广东人(Cantonese people)吃他们可以找到的当地的所有食物。野生动物、植物,甚至昆虫。十八到十九世纪,广东移民(immigrant)遍布世界各地,并开办了许多粤菜饭店。如今,大多数海

admin2013-11-21  32

问题     很久以前,广东一直是中国最偏远的地方,缺乏统治者的所有资助。广东人(Cantonese people)吃他们可以找到的当地的所有食物。野生动物、植物,甚至昆虫。十八到十九世纪,广东移民(immigrant)遍布世界各地,并开办了许多粤菜饭店。如今,大多数海外的中餐馆都以供应粤菜(Cantonese cuisine)为主。粤菜集成了几乎所有可食用的肉类,包括内脏(organ meats)、鸡爪、鸭、鸭舌、蛇和蜗牛。新鲜和优质的原料(ingredient)是至关重要的。调味料(spice)应适量使用,以免盖住原料的风味。大蒜、香葱(chive)、生姜和香菜叶(coriander leaves)是主要的调味品。


答案 Long ago, Guangdong has been the farthest end of China and lack of all support from the rulers. Cantonese people ate what they could find lo-cally. Wild animals, plants even insects. 18-19th century, immigrants spread over the world and set up many Cantonese restaurants. Nowadays, most Chinese restaurants overseas serve mainly Cantonese food. Cantonese cuisine incorporates almost all edible meats, including organ meats, chicken feet, duck and duck tongues, snakes, and snails. Freshest and quality ingredients are crucial. Spices should be used in modest amounts to avoid overwhelming the flavors of the primary ingredients. Garlic, chives, ginger and coriander leaves are main spices.

