大连的李先生有13000多名粉丝,几乎每天都会在微博上发言。李先生近来有些苦恼,因为他的账号发不健康的内容和图片。 最让李先生烦恼的是,他还得为这些内容承担责任,此外微博里面的所有私信也无隐私可言。 李先生说:“我有一万多个粉丝的话,每天发

admin2021-08-19  49

问题     大连的李先生有13000多名粉丝,几乎每天都会在微博上发言。李先生近来有些苦恼,因为他的账号发不健康的内容和图片。


答案 Mr. Li, a Dalian resident, has more than 13,000 followers on Sina Weibo and he keeps updating his post almost everyday. But he is a little upset recently because someone has been using his account to post improper texts and pictures. What upsets him most is that he has to held liable. What’s worse, there is nothing private about Weibo private messages. "I have more than 10,000 followers, and many read my posts every day," Mr. Li said. "Thus, terrible posts like pornographic or other unhealthy contents are really improper. And if any post violates law, it will be hard for me to clear myself. " According to network security company, currently, all Weibo accounts are registered via email and the passwords are set by individuals. Most users use the same password to register in email, Weibo and forums for the convenience of memory. This makes the password easy to leak. Experts point out that Internet users should also strengthen their protective consciousness and ensure the security of their Weibo accounts, while waiting for introduction of relevant laws and regulations.

解析     社交媒体上的粉丝是由follow(关注)一词派生的follower,不是追星的粉丝fan。“发言”在这里并非指“讲话”,而是表示“发表评论,在社交平台上发布博文”,因此使用update one’s post表示。
    李先生烦恼的是“他得承担责任”,其后的“微博的私信无隐私可言”是“他得承担责任”的根源之一,是更深层次的烦恼,因此翻译时将这两方面的烦恼分译为两句话,并在后一句增译What’s worse加以突出这种更深层次的烦恼,句意明确,层次清晰。
    首先,这句话中涉及几个常见、常考的词条,考生应熟记:“相关法规”即相关的法律和法规,译为relevant laws and regulations “防护意识”译为protective consciousness;“保护……安全”译为“ensure the security of…”。其次,专家指出的内容中,需要有所行动的是“互联网用户……安全”,因此翻译时将这部分译为主句,将“在期待相关法规出台的同时”译为时间状语,以突出重点。
