以上都表明只要有了点基础的英语语法知识和初步的英语词汇,在阅读时就应永远留心注意一切异常的和特殊的语言现象,并在看到它们时用心思考,直至彻底弄懂。 但是,这样推崇思维的作用决不应理解为对记忆的作用的任何贬抑。尽管这里强调了前者,后者还是根本性的,因为

admin2010-01-18  41

问题     以上都表明只要有了点基础的英语语法知识和初步的英语词汇,在阅读时就应永远留心注意一切异常的和特殊的语言现象,并在看到它们时用心思考,直至彻底弄懂。


答案 All the above shows that given a basic knowledge of English grammar and an initial stock of English vocabulary,one would do well always,when reading,to keep an eye out for what is unusual and peculiar,and upon discovery,to think hard on them until a thorough grasp is obtained. But this exalting of the role of THINKING must not be understood as in any way belittling the role of MEMORIZING.For all the emphasis here laid on the former,the latter is fundamental.For who can possibly tackle the mass of English idioms in their infinite variety any otherwise than by hard memorizing? As a matter of fact,the very practice of rote-learning by untold generations of former Chinese scholars (including the renowned Chinese scholar of English Gu Hongming)is evident proof that hard memorizing is not only essential but also possible.What is to be stressed,it must be noted,is not sheer mechanical memorizing but intelligent and scientific memorizing.That is perhaps one reason why mnemonics,the art of improving memory,has become a subject of general interest and inquiry.

