Narrator Listen to a talk between two students. Now get ready to answer the questions. You may use your notes to help

admin2012-01-14  27

问题     Narrator
    Listen to a talk between two students.
    Now get ready to answer the questions. You may use your notes to help you answer.
What does Student B mean when he says this?
Student A  Hi, Gilbert!
Student B  Hi, Sally! You look so depressed. Anything wrong?
Student A  I’m really worried about paying my tuition for the next term at school.
Student B  Why? Are you having financial problems?
Student A  Yeah. School fees are getting so high. I may have to cut back on my classes and work more hours to earn more.
Student B  I understand why you are worried about that. Every year it seems to me that more students worry about tuition.
Student A  I agree. And it’s hard to study full-time and hold down any kind of job.
Student B  Have you thought about applying for financial aid?
Student A  You know, I have, but the real problem is that so many people apply and there’s just not enough financial aid available.
Student B  Have you thought about other ways?
Student A  What do you mean? Is there any other way to solve this problem?
Student B  Maybe you could qualify for some kind of student loan that you would repay after you finish studying. You should go to the financial aid office and see what the requirements are.
Student A  I suppose that’s true. Sometimes I wish the cost of education was completely covered by the government. It would sure make my life easier.
Student B  Maybe, but somebody would still be paying for it. Just not you right now. And am sure you don’t want to pay higher taxes to cover the cost.
Student A  The real problem is that you just can’t give everybody what they want. More services and programs always mean more taxes.
Student B  Don’t you think that’s true everywhere, and in a lot of different situations? I’m sure we’re not the only ones who are worried about this.
Student A  Oh, I think it’s quite clear that a lot of people worry about this.
Student B  Yeah. That’s true. Everybody would like to have a good education and thus has to pay.
Student A  Width a good education becoming more and more necessary to get a good job, I think more people will need to worry about this in the future. I can’t even pay for myself! How am I supposed to save up to pay for my kids to go to school?
Student B  Hey, when you find the answer to that one, be sure to tell me! You could make a lot of money selling that piece of advice.
Student A  Ha, ha! That would be wonderful!
Student B  So just cheer up! Nothing is insolvable.
Student A  Well, I’ve just got to try! Thanks!
Student B  Don’t mention it.

选项 A、He is sure Student A will be a millionaire in the future.
B、He thinks there is no easy way out regarding this issue.
C、He is at a loss of words by what Student A said.
D、He is competing with Student A in making a fortune.


解析 本题为语用理解题中的功能题,要求考生理解讲话者的目的。题目问:学生B在说“Hey, when you find the answer to that one, be sure to tell me! You could make a lot of money selling that piece of advice(当你找到答案时,一定要告诉我哦。说不定靠卖这条建议你还能赚一大笔呢)”时,表达的意思是什么?听到该句话之后,学生A笑了,因此学生B只是在开玩笑,他认为这个问题并没有简单的解决办法,故B项为正确答案。
