A、Go to the library. B、Meet the woman. C、See Professor Smith. D、Have a drink in the bar. CM: Professor Smith asked me to go to h

admin2008-12-14  38


选项 A、Go to the library.
B、Meet the woman.
C、See Professor Smith.
D、Have a drink in the bar.


解析 M: Professor Smith asked me to go to his office after class. So it is impossible for me to make it to the bar at ten.
W: Then it seems that we’ll have to meet an hour later at the library.
Q: What will the man do first after class?
男士说Professor Smith叫他下课后去他办公室,这样的话他10点钟就到不了酒吧了。女士说那么他们要一个小时后才能在由书馆碰面了。很明显,男士要先去见Professor Smith。答案为C。注意:①选项都是原形动词,要注意对话中的动作。听音时几个动作的先后次序一定要搞清楚,要做到边听边记,避免出错。②听清女士所说的meet at the library,可以同时排除A、B;男士说“在酒吧见面”是impossible;只能选C。
