
admin2016-05-30  34

问题     能够欣赏到四季真是一种乐趣,大自然展露力量,人的心情转为谦卑。冬至过后,日光渐长,早晨六时许,晨曦未现,已可听到鸟鸣,繁花一种一种次第开放,先是早春樱、茶花、牡丹、玫瑰,然后是樱花。夏至,老人与孩子出来逛街,小贩把档摊移到路旁,冰激凌车停在沙滩边,巡游,露天话剧与音乐会都在这时举行,足球场上少年奔驰……树上樱桃与覆盆子都被小鸟吃光。


答案 It is pleasant to make an appreciation of the four seasons, because people will become humble when seeing the strength displayed by the nature. As the day time becomes longer after winter solstice, even as early as six o’clock in the morning when the sun has not come out yet, the birds’ singing has already been heard. Various flowers give their blossoms at different time one by one, with early spring cherry blossom, camellia, peony and rose blooming firstly, and then cherry blossom. When summer solstice comes, the seniors and children go out to walk around, finding that the stalls have been moved to the two sides of the road by sellers, and that an ice-cream truck is standing on the bank of a beach. A lot of activities are held at this time, such as parade, outdoor drama and concert. The young boys are playing football on the playground... The cherries and raspberries on the tree have been almost eaten up by birds.

解析 1.第一句有三个分句,仔细研读原文发现,第一个分句与后面两个分句之间暗含因果关系,后面两个分句之间联系较紧密,可合译。翻译第一个分句时要注意英文常将评论性语言放在句首,因此“乐趣”应提到句首,译为It ispleasant to。“欣赏”译为make an appreciation,使其更符合英文的惯用表达。“人的心情转为谦卑”指的是“人”面对大自然展露出来的力量而变得谦卑,因此“的心情”省略不译。
3.第三句是由多个小短句组成,这句话传达了三层含义,因此译成三个独立的句子。分别在“冰激凌车停在沙滩边”和“……音乐会都在这时举行”处断句,其余为最后一部分。第一部分由三个小分句组成,“老人与孩子出来逛街”可译为主句,后面两个分句的内容均是“老人与孩子”看到或发现的内容,故译为:finding that…,and that…。第二部分为一个句子,翻译句中的“巡游,露天话剧与音乐会”时需要增译一个概括性的词汇,即a lot ofactivities。最后一部分由两个分句组成,中间的省略号保持不变,第一个分句译为现在进行时,第二个分句译为现在完成时。
