女士们、先生们、朋友们: 90年前,中国人民喜爱的印度伟大诗人泰戈尔访问了中国,受到中国人民的热烈欢迎。一踏上中国的土地,泰戈尔就说:“我不知道什么缘故,到中国就像回到故乡一样。”在离开中国时,他伤感地说:“我的心留在这里了。” 今

admin2017-07-11  64

问题 女士们、先生们、朋友们:


答案Ladies and gentlemen, and all dear friends, Ninety years ago, Rabindranath Tagore, the great Indian poet admired by the Chinese people, visited China and was warmly received there. Upon setting foot on China’s soil, Tagore said, "I don’t know why, but coming to China is like coming home." Upon leaving China, he said quite sadly, "My heart stays." Today, I see among the audience young people from both China and India. The youth represent the future of our two countries and the hope of Asia and the world. The youth may have feelings of joy and sorrow from their everyday life, but they never stop pursuing their ideals with conviction and devotion. I hope that all of you will draw wisdom and inspiration from the ancient Chinese and Indian civilizations and march forward in the pursuit of truth. I hope that you will enhance heart-to-heart communication and that your young hearts will stay in China and in India. Let us work together in one mind and usher in a bright future. In conclusion, I would like to share with my Indian friends a Chinese saying; "The man of virtue, while establishing himself and pursuing success, also works to establish others and enable them to succeed as well. " In pursuing its own development, China sincerely hopes to see a prosperous and strong India and looks forward to making progress together with India. The Chinese people will always progress together with the Indian people on their path of development and revitalization. I believe that our two peoples, who once left indelible impact on the development of human civilization, will make new and greater contribution to Asia and the world as a whole. (Excerpt from Xi Jinping’s speech on Indian Council of World Affairs in 2014)

解析     印度新德里当地时间2014年9月18日,中国国家主席习近平在印度世界事务委员会(Indian Council of World Affairs)上发表了题为《携手追寻民族复兴之梦》的重要演讲,讲述了中印两国的历史文化渊源,列举了很多促进文化交流和友好往来的重要人物的例子。选段便出自该演讲,选段部分着重阐述了泰戈尔与中国友谊的渊源,展现了中印两国发展的美好前景,表达了对两国友谊的珍重。演讲词是介于日常口语和书面文体之间的独特文本,翻译时需要注意控制用词与句式的灵活度,遵循特定的翻译原则。翻译硕士常考国家领导人的重要发言,而国家领导人的发言都有其较为固定的特点,考生应在平时的练习中多做总结,掌握根本,以应万变。   
