
admin2011-02-11  52

问题   我时常收到好心的编辑寄来的电脑报刊,面对那些每个字都认识、就是看不懂的天书”,心想,这不是给文盲寄报刊吗?说来惭愧,别说上网,我连打字都不会,几次走近电脑,几次又离开它,它一点儿也不让我感到亲近。我怕一切机器,怕那些键子,那个蹦来蹦去的鼠标。让我感到安慰的是,白岩松写稿子也是手写。他说,笔尖触着纸的感觉是种享受。我有同感,也找到了一个说法儿。可到了1999年,我不能心安理得了。那天给师母送稿子,手写的,又有点儿乱。师母说:“没关系,我在电脑上打出来。”“您?”师母说:“是啊,我70岁学的。”惊得我一下子没了话。出了门,第100次下决心,该学电脑了。


答案From time to time I receive PC magazines from well-meaning editors; Reading them, I recognize the individual characters, but the whole thing is Greek to me. When faced with such publications, I think to myself, "They might as well send newspapers or magazines to an illiterate. "I hate to say it, but I have to confess I don’t even know how to type, much less how to surf the Internet. Several times I’ve tried to learn to use a computer and each time I gave up in the end, or it is not really very user-friendly. I was afraid of all mechanical devices, afraid of the keyboard and the mouse with its jumpy cursor. I was consoled by the fact that Bai Yansong also wrote his scripts by hand. He said that feeling the point of the pen touching the surface of the paper gave him a kind of pleasure. I had the same feeling and found it a good excuse not to use a computer.

