
admin2010-05-14  42

问题     那时河里热闹极了;船大半泊着,小半在水上穿梭似的来往。停泊着的都在近市的那一边,我们的船自然也夹在其中。因为这边略略的挤,便觉得那边十分的疏了。在每一只船从那边过去时,我们能画出它的轻轻的影和曲曲的波,在我们的心上;这显示着是空,且显着是静了。那时处处都是歌声和凄厉的胡琴声,圆润的歌喉,确乎是很少的。但那生涩的,尖脆的调子能使人有少年的,粗率不拘的感觉,也正可快我们的意。况且多少隔开些儿听着,因为想象与渴慕的作美,总觉得更有滋味;而竟发的喧嚣,抑扬的不齐,远近的杂沓,和乐器的嘈嘈切切,合成另一意味的谐音,也使我们无所适从,如随着大风而走。这实在因为我们的心枯涩已久了,变为脆;故偶然润泽一下,便疯狂似的不能自主了。


答案 The river was bustling with activity just then. Most boats were lying at anchor, while the rest were pulling to and fro, the former on the city side, ours naturally among them. The crowd on our side made the other side look deserted, and we could make out the reflected contour of each boat that passed there, which gave us a sense of space and quiet. Songs accompanied by shrilling fiddles were heard here and there, only a few of them sung sweetly or melodiously, but the sharp, shrill notes gave us an impression of careless and unrestrained youth, and that was exactly what we had come for. Besides, it is always better to listen to singing from a distance, because what you imagine and yearn for is the more beautiful. The hubbub of voices, the noises rising and falling far and near and the notes of different instruments formed another sort of harmony which left us completely at a loss of we had been carried away by a gust of wind. Truth to tell, this was because our hearts, long dry and fragile, were ready to be crazed despite themselves by a fortuitous moisture.

