今天,我想谈一谈在贫穷国家发展机遇这个背景下减轻债务问题。我要谈的关键问题是我们要重新看待债务减轻的目的,要从消除债务到消除贫穷。我认为减轻债务是消除贫困的强大武器,但它必须是更广泛的发展策略的组成部分。 我们必须在关注外部可持续性发展的同时注意内

admin2017-02-22  44

    I want today to set debt reduction in the context of development challenges of poor countries. My key message is that we need a change in the way we look at the purpose of debt relief: from ending debt to ending poverty. I think that debt relief is a strong anti-poverty weapon, but it must be part of a broader development strategy.
    We need to look beyond external sustainability to include internal sustainability as well. Domestic debt in some countries is a huge problem, and for several African countries it takes more than 10% of domestic revenue. This points us back to the government budget. We should think about working not just from the concept of external sustainability, but from the expenditure required to pursue the International Development Strategy. This means looking at each country’s domestic strategy for poverty elimination and its internal needs and constraints.
    Now is a time for new thinking, and the task is an urgent one. One out of four people in the world live in absolute poverty. Deserts are spreading, forests are shrinking and seas are being over-fished. With projections of growing strain on all natural resources of the world, and the likelihood of increasing violent conflict and calamity arising from that, it is not just morally imperative that we act to give the poor of the world the chance to get out of poverty; it is in our interest to do so. There can be no secure future for our children and grandchildren unless we build a more equitable world.
    So, we need to implement this change in the goal of debt relief: from ending debt to ending poverty. Debt reduction from now on has to be linked to the international development strategy.
    Debt is not evil in itself. Borrowing for high-quality investment is clearly beneficial and appreciated. The aim should be for countries to borrow prudently along a sustainable path to fund priority investments. This requires a clear debt management strategy.
    To make real progress, the government and people of each country must develop a clearly defined approach to this complex challenge.
    The priorities of government budgets are obviously central to this. We need to look at the expenditure necessary to achieve poverty reduction objectives and then see how debt reduction can contribute to making it possible. We must always remember debt relief is a means to an end not an end in itself.
    Debt relief has some important benefits for countries concerned. Firstly, it frees the government’s own resources to fund development. Secondly, it is a way of signaling donor support for the long-term programs of a government. Thirdly, it can help to simulate the investment necessary for long-term growth.
    But, of course, sometimes debt relief will not be the right option. Aid funds used for debt relief have an opportunity cost. Sometimes money will be better spent on direct support for the health or education sectors, or to promote sustainable livelihood. The key question to ask is what the role debt relief plays in eliminating poverty.


答案 今天,我想谈一谈在贫穷国家发展机遇这个背景下减轻债务问题。我要谈的关键问题是我们要重新看待债务减轻的目的,要从消除债务到消除贫穷。我认为减轻债务是消除贫困的强大武器,但它必须是更广泛的发展策略的组成部分。 我们必须在关注外部可持续性发展的同时注意内部可持续性发展。一些国家的国内债务问题仍然很严重,一些非洲国家的债务甚至超过了国内收入的10%。这使我们再度关注政府预算。我们不应该仅从外部可持续性发展的角度,还应该从贯彻《国际发展战略》所需要的开支这个角度考虑工作。也就是说,我们需要研究各国的国内扶贫政策,以及国内需求和条件限制。 现在是我们转变思路的时候了,我们的任务十分紧迫。世界上有四分之一的人还生活在赤贫中,沙漠在扩大,森林在缩小,海洋正被过度捕捞。随着世界自然资源面临的压力越来越大,由此更可能导致激烈的冲突和灾害,因此,帮助全球的贫穷者摆脱贫困,不仅仅是我们的道义责任,也是我们的利益所在。不建立一个更公正的世界,我们的子孙后代就没有安全的未来。 因此,我们倡议调整目标,从免除债务到消除贫困。从现在开始,债务减轻必须与国际发展战略联系起来。 欠债本身并无好坏。为了高质量的投资而借债显然是有益的且可以理解的。但是,国家应该寻求可持续发展,谨慎借债,投资优先项目。这需要有明确的债务管理战略。 为了取得真正的进展,各国政府和人民必须制定出明确的方案,以应对目前复杂的挑战。 很明显,关键是政府预算中的优先项目。首先要知道实现消除贫困目标需要多大开支,然后决定怎样通过削减债务来达到这一目的。切记,消除债务只是手段而非目的。 消除债务对有关国家有几大好处。首先,政府不必使用自己的资源资助发展。第二,消除债务标志着捐赠者对政府长期计划的支持。第三,消除债务有助于刺激长期发展所必要的投资。 诚然,消除债务并非都是正确的选择。因为用于消除债务的援助资金也有机会成本。有时资金最好直接用于资助健康和教育项目,或用来实现可持续的生活方式。关键问题是减轻债务在消除贫困中所起的作用。

解析     本文是一段有关减轻发展中国家债务的讲话,主要涉及南北差距的问题。文中通过具体的例子,指出减轻债务的重要性、必要性以及紧迫性,同时还指出了减轻债务过程中应注意的问题。
