
admin2014-11-27  35

问题     “中国制造”的工业品席卷全世界,正在更新每年的贸易额。但“中国文化制造”在文化贸易市场上却没把好脉。中国的演出、电影、音乐、出版等文化领域正继续着贸易赤字。中国出口的出版物以传统文化领域为主,以中国现代主流文化理念为内容的东西很少。出口电影的种类很单一,体现中国文化特色的电影太少。中国只有创造性学习美国迪斯尼的市场战略,多管齐下,运用电视、出版、唱片、玩具一系列市场,才能发展文化产业。


答案 The industrial products made in China are spreading across the world, changing(1)the trade volume annually. However, those made in Chinese culture don’ t go widely in the culture trade market, which is demonstrated by the(2)trade deficits in the culture sector including shows, films, music and publications. China’s exported publications(3)focus on traditional culture instead of the(4)mainstream culture in the current society. Its exported films are with few films featuring Chinese culture.(5)Only by creatively drawing on the market strategy(6)adopted by America’s Disney, expanding in various channel such as TV, publications, Discs, toys, can we develop the cultural industry.

解析    (1)the trade volume意为“贸易额”。
   (2)trade deficits意为“贸易赤字”。
   (3)focus on意为“注重,关注”。
   (4)mainstream culture意为“主流文化”。
   (5)Only by…can…,倒装句,旨在强调创新的重要性。
   (6)adopted by意为“采纳,学习”,此处作后置定语。
