So far as my small experience goes, the most wonderful arrival in the world is at Venice; but you should time it for after dark.

admin2014-02-15  40

问题     So far as my small experience goes, the most wonderful arrival in the world is at Venice; but you should time it for after dark. Venice is so unlike anything else on earth that the first impact of it must be a marvelous experience at any hour; but after dark it is magical. You may have been reading books about Venice all your life; you may have seen innumerable pictures of the glories of the city; but no book and no picture can prepare you for the enchantment of this arrival.
    To step out of the glitter and bustle of the station—rather weary and tired with the long journey from Milan—straight on to the landing stage against which the water of the Grand Canal is lapping, to step on board a ship and to go gliding down the dark, broad, silent highway, with dim-lit, ghostly palaces on either hand;not till memory forsakes you will you forget this experience.


答案 我去过的地方不多,威尼斯则是我所到过的最奇妙的地方,不过你得安排在夜幕降临之后抵达那里。威尼斯如此与众不同,任何时候,它给你的第一印象都一定是非凡的,但入夜之后则更为奇妙。也许你一生都在阅读关于威尼斯的书,也许你还看到过无数张描绘她美丽景色的图片,但书也好,画也罢,都难以使你在抵达那儿时对她的魅力有充分思想准备。 从米兰远道而来,疲惫不堪地走出灯光闪烁、熙熙攘攘的车站,径直登上被大运河的水拍打着的码头时;踏上小船,滑过黑黝黝的宽阔而寂静的水道,两边是灯火暗淡、幽灵般神秘的宫殿时,只要你没有丧失记忆,你是永远也不会忘记这种体验的。

解析 1、第1段首句So far as...goes意思是“就…而言”,可以直译成“就我的孤陋寡闻/微少经历而言”等,也可根据文意,作者实际上是陈述自己所到地方不多这样的事实,译成“我去过的地方不多”。time在此作动词,表示“安排…的时间”,it指代之前的amival。
2、at any laour意思是“在任何时候”,不可错误地译成与“小时”有关的字眼。
4、rather weary…from Milan一句是插入语,翻译时可适当调整语序,译成状语,置于句首。句中glitter指“(灯光的)闪烁”,bustle指“(乱哄哄的)热闹”,landing stage在这里指“码头,岸台”。
