Anna was employed by a (9)______ when she first started sailing. The idea of sailing round the world came from a book called

admin2010-12-18  55

问题    Anna was employed by a  (9)______  when she first started sailing. The idea of sailing round the world came from a book called  (10)______  Anna spent some time  (11)______  the boat before taking it out to sea. Anna tested her boat on a trip which lasted for only  (12)______   because it was damaged. Anna got the money she needed to make the trip from various  (13)______  companies. Anna’s worst problem during the trip was when she felt  (14)______  because the boat was going so slowly. Anna found the  (15)______  in the Southern Ocean the most exciting part of the trip. On her return, Anna phoned the  (16)______  to ask for a certificate. Anna’s claim was doubted because she hadn’t been in contact with people on  (17)______  during her trip. Anna’s story was finally believed after her  (18)______  had been checked.
Interviewer:  In the studio this week we have Anna Stephens who returned last July after a non-stop voyage round the world alone. Anna, welcome to the programme. Tell me, how did you get interested in sailing?
Anna:  Well, although I was a teacher of sports in a school for a while, it wasn’t until I started working for a travel agency that I first went sailing. A colleague invited me and I loved it straightaway. After that I went on several sailing holidays with friends in the Mediterranean.
Interviewer:  So, where did you get the idea to sail round the world alone?
Anna:  Well, I read a book, ’High Adventure’ was the title, which was about a woman sailing alone, and it really impressed me. I suddenly knew what I wanted to do with my life. So I gave up my job and talked a friend into lending me his boat. It was a bit old and rusty, but basically fine. I then spent the next few months mending the boat.
Interviewer:  Did you take the boat out to sea to test it?
Anna:  Well, that was the problem -- I had planned to spend three weeks seeing how the boat performed at sea, but after six days I had to return because it got damaged in bad weather. That was good really because if I’d had three weeks of good weather, I wouldn’t have realised what problems I needed to sort out.
Interviewer:  What did people say when you had to turn back?
Anna:  Oh, some of them thought this proved I wasn’t ready for the trip. I would have preferred to carry on with my preparations without telling anybody, but because I relied on money from a number of local companies, they all had to be kept informed of my progress.
Interviewer:  Right. Once you finally set out and you were out there alone, did you never feel lonely?
Anna:  Well, yes I did, but that wasn’t my main problem. The trip was ruined for me by the boat making such slow progress that I got bored. I wanted to be doing something all the time. The only time I really felt busy was in the Southern Ocean, where there were enormous storms and I had plenty to think about all the time.
Interviewer:  Were the storms really frightening?
Anna:  No, they were the really exciting part. My main difficulty was when I got back home and people didn’t believe I’d really done it.
Interviewer:  Why did that happen?
Anna:  Well, as soon as I returned, I got on the phone to the World Sailing Club to say that I had successfully completed the trip and what did I have to do to get my certificate. They told me to fill in all the forms, etc. Then, on television, people began to say that it was strange although I claimed to have sailed around the world, I had not been in touch with any ships along the way. That’s what started it. After that the newspapers were saying I hadn’t made the trip at alii
Interviewer:  So how did you manage to convince people?
Anna:  Well, I showed the sailing club my diaries, which I’d been very careful to keep up-to-date throughout the trip, and they checked them and gave me a certificate. I even got an apology from the newspapers in the end.
Interviewer:  And what will your next challenge be?
Anna:  I haven’t got any firm plans as yet, but rm writing a book about the trip.
Interviewer:  Well, thank you, Anna. We look forward to reading all about it ...



