Read the following passage. In recent years, the desire to find a clean, renewable source of energy has led to an increase i

admin2022-06-28  27

问题     Read the following passage.
    In recent years, the desire to find a clean, renewable source of energy has led to an increase in the number of wind turbines in the United States. Wind turbines are tall pillars topped with spinning blades, which create energy when they are turned by strong winds. Unfortunately, these turbines are having an unintended consequence: collisions with wind turbines injure or kill many bats during the bats’ annual migrations. The result has been a noticeable decrease in the populations of many species of bats. Researchers have proposed three solutions to save the bats from being harmed by wind turbines.
    One solution is to build wind turbines at sites where they would not interfere with the bats’ migratory patterns. Bats usually follow the same flight path every year when they migrate. These migratory routes could be studied by scientists, who could direct power companies to build new turbines that are not in the paths of the bats’ migrations.
    A second solution is to shut down the current wind turbines at night, the time when bats are most active (bats are night animals). The turbines located in the bats’ migratory paths could be shut down at night during the migration period so that the blades would not be spinning when the bats are most likely to fly through the area.
    Finally, a third solution involves the use of radar to keep bats away from the wind turbines. Bats can detect electromagnetic waves emitted by radar. Researchers have noticed that bats actually dislike radar waves, they avoid airports and other locations where radar is used. Researchers believe that emitting radar waves around wind turbines would keep bats away from the area entirely, preventing them from flying into the turbines.
    Now listen to part of a lecture on the topic you just read about.
    Summarize the points made in the lecture. Be sure to explain how they challenge the specific theories presented in the reading passage.
The large decrease in the populations of bats due to wind turbines is a serious issue, but none of the proposed solutions you just read about will effectively solve the problem.
    First, finding other places to build wind turbines may seem like an obvious solution, but it’s just not practical. To produce electricity, wind turbines need to be built where there’s plenty of wind to spin the turbines, somewhere like a mountain ridge. Unfortunately, that’s exactly where bats are most likely to migrate because their migration routes typically follow mountain ridges. If we build the turbines in places located outside bats’ migration paths, in flat plains for example, the wind speed in many of those locations will probably be too slow to operate the turbines.
    Second, shutting off the turbines at night… well, it’s true that migrating bats are active at night, but bats need to sleep during the day, so when the night is almost over the bats look for a place to sleep. They typically sleep in tall trees, but they will sleep in any tall structure they find. Unfortunately, that includes wind turbines. So many bats will settle down on the turbines that are shut off to sleep and when the turbines are turned back on during the day, the bats sleeping there will be harmed, so this is not a good solution.
    Finally, using radar to keep bats away from wind turbines just isn’t a good idea. There’s a very good reason why bats dislike radar waves. The radar can damage their reproductive system and this damage can happen very quickly, so bats that fly into an area with active radar waves, even for a brief period of time, can suffer permanent damage to their reproductive organs. They will have low rates of reproduction. This could reduce bats populations even further.


答案 The lecturer casts doubts on the practicality of the three solutions proposed in the reading passage. A deeper analysis of bats’ habits reveals that none of these solutions can keep bats safe from the wind turbines. First, the reading passage offered an easy solution: build wind turbines somewhere away from the migratory paths of bats. Though simple, this is impractical. The wind turbines need to be built in places where wind abounds and wind speed is fast enough to spin the turbines, such as mountain ridges. Yet mountain ridges are exactly where the bats pass by in migration, which makes this solution infeasible. Second, the lecturer also questions the solution of shutting down wind turbines at night, the time when bats are most active. Bats sleep during the daytime, usually in tall structures. Chances are that migrating bats which rest on the motionless wind turbines at dawn will be injured when the blades start to spin again. Thus, the second solution won’t work as expected. Finally, the third solution suggests using radar to keep bats away from the turbines. However, exposure to radar waves, even for a short period of time, can cause permanent damage to the reproductive organs of bats, reducing their population even further.

解析     题目:与过去相比,人们现在更容易获得良好的教育。
    本题是一个“Agree or Disagree”类型的作文题目.问与过去相比,人们现在是否更容易获得良好的教育。建议在文章开头给出明确回答,再根据选定的立场阐述观点。题目包含今昔对比,因此,可以重点对比现在和过去的异同,从而佐证自己的观点,可以从人类知识的累积、技术进步、公共教育的发展等方面展开讨论。文章的最后除了作总结,还可以继续提出新的观点,如平权运动的发展等,以丰富论点。
