
admin2012-04-23  35

问题     新加坡报纸说,中国是世界四大文明古国之一,地大物博,拥有茂密的森林、壮丽的山河,如利剑直插云霄的高峰、雄伟壮丽的瀑布、秀丽的湖泊及富有中华文化光辉的名胜古迹,令世界各国人民神往。但是,更重要的是,中国具有五千多年的历史,遗留下无数的历史文物、珍珠宝藏、古迹、名胜、宫殿及数不尽的雄伟建筑,令人惊叹不已。这种种原因都促使中国成了许多人梦寐以求的旅游胜地。


答案Some Singapore newspapers say: China —— one of the four countries in the world with the oldest civilization, with a vast territory and abundant resources, with dense forests and majestic rivers and mountains whose peaks pierce the clouds like so many gargantuan swords, with magnificent waterfalls and beautiful lakes, with historical remains underlining her glorious past —— this China does attract tourists from all parts of the world. But, most important, China is possessed of a history of over five thousand years, of innumerable historical relies left over from the long past; of priceless pearls and jewels , of historic sites and scenic spots, of palaces and edifices of superb architecture —— all of which are to take your breath away. So, for a variety of reasons, China is indeed a resort for all tourists to dream about.

解析   全文只有三句要求翻译。原文第一句话比较长,翻译起来确有难度,因为其中不仅结构难以处理,而且其选词也十分重要。译文当中采用了“合句法”将众多的分句合译为一个整句——先用破折号将“是”以后的内容全译为“中国”的同位语,而同位语内较复杂的内容则采用了五个with的并列结构,从而使整句话显得简洁明了。原文第二句基本上采用了“顺译法”,其中of的五个并列结构译得很好。最后一句话采用了“成分转换法”,将原文中的主语部分“这种种原因”译成了状语,符合英语习惯。
