Read this passage about advertising media. Choose the best sentence from the list A—G to fill in each of the gaps. For each gap

admin2012-09-10  33

问题 Read this passage about advertising media.
Choose the best sentence from the list A—G to fill in each of the gaps.
For each gap (8—12), mark one letter (A—G) on your Answer Sheet.
Do not mark any letter more than once.
There is an example at the beginning.

                    Considerations in Choosing Media
    It obviously doesn’t pay for a local, one-unit department store to advertise on national television. Likewise, it usually is not practical for a neighbourhood variety store to advertise in a large metropolitan newspaper. (0)
    1. Does the advertising medium cover the market?
    2. What is the cost per reader or listener in the market?
    American businesses spend about $ 30 billion per year for advertising of all types. This large advertising industry offers a wide variety of jobs for college graduates, including such positions as advertising managers, layout specialists, artists, copywriters, account executives, media directors, and sales specialists.
    Advertising firms have been more effective in answering these questions than many business owners have been. For instance newspapers raise their advertising rates when their circulation increases. 8 And magazine advertising rates are also based on total circulation. All these mass media are expensive advertising methods because they reach so many people. In designing an advertising program, an individual firm or its hired advertising experts must somehow balance the necessity of advertising against the likelihood that some expenditures will be wasted. Individual advertising expenditures vary from more than $ 200,000 for a one-minute nationwide television commercial during the Word Series or Super Bowl to the small cost of printing and distributing 100 announcements to promote a sale or service in a neighborhood. All advertising has the final goal of increasing sales for the business firm either in the short run or in the long run.
    In considering these, basic questions, we can see why Ford, General Motors, and Chrysler can afford the huge costs of national television advertising. 9 Even so, the growth of suburban shopping centers and the establishment of branch outlets by department stores and other retailers have brought local television advertising within the range of many smaller retailers 10
    Since the time that television came into its prime as an advertising medium, radio advertising has made a substantial comeback in terms of numbers of listeners. 11 The yellow pages of the telephone directory are another effectively way to promote shopping goods and special items or services for which customers prefer to check sources by telephone first. And advertising on public transportation vehicles is also effective, when it can be geared to the advertiser’s market.
    Traditionally, all advertising was classified either as direct-action advertising or as institutional advertising. Thus, the statement "Raincoats are on sale today at $ 9.95" is an example of direct-action advertising and the claim "our employees subscribe to the United Fund 100 percent" is an example of institutional advertising.
    Direct-mail advertising has been so overdone, especially by smaller firms, that Its effectiveness has been impaired. 12 Still, direct mail offers the advantages of being selective in coverage, relatively inexpensive, and more flexible.
A. We can also see that local department stores cannot benefit proportionately from national television advertising to justify the expense.
B. Similarly, television-advertising rates are based on audience ratings.
C. In deciding which media to use, advertisers must consider these questions.
D. Such promotion must be well prepared or it will be tossed into the nearest wastebasket.
E. Newspapers, too, have attempted to make advertising more attractive to small firms offering special full-page advertisements featuring the message of several different firms.
F. Advertising is very important for business.
G. Radio advertising often serves local merchants effectively and at costs that more firms can afford.



解析 在考虑这些基本的问题的时候,我们可以看到“为什么大公司如福特、通用以及克莱斯勒公司等能够负得起巨额的全国性电视广告”;同时,我们也看到当地的百货商店不能从中获益的原因。上句和A句使用了同样的结构“we can see/we can also see...”
