转基因食品(Genetically Modified Food;GMF)是利用基因工程技术生产的食品。它具有产量高、营养丰富、抗病力强等优势,但也存在明显的缺陷——可能会造成基因污染(gene contamination)。因此,转基因食品的安全性一直是一

admin2017-10-18  22

问题     转基因食品(Genetically Modified Food;GMF)是利用基因工程技术生产的食品。它具有产量高、营养丰富、抗病力强等优势,但也存在明显的缺陷——可能会造成基因污染(gene contamination)。因此,转基因食品的安全性一直是一个有争议的话题。在中国,政府和科学界支持转基因作物的推广,却持续引发信任危机。鉴于人们对相关农产品的安全担忧,中国政府草拟了新的粮食法,试图对转基因食品进行更严格的管理。该法规定,任何单位和个人不得在主要粮食品种(principal grain cultivars)上应用转基因技术。


答案 Genetically Modified Food/GMF refers to food produced by applying the technology of genetic engineering. It has the advantages of high productivity, rich nutrition and strong disease resistance, etc. But its defect is also apparent—it may lead to gene contamination. Thus, the safety of GMF remains a controversial topic. In China, the government and the scientific community support the promotion of genetically modified crops, but touch off a continuous trust crisis. In view of people’s concern about the safety of related agricultural produces, the Chinese government has drafted a new grain law, intending to impose a stricter management on GMF. The law requires that no entity and individual should apply genetically modified technology to the principal grain cultivars.

解析 1.第二句比较长,可拆译成两句,前一句说明转基因食品的优势,后一句说它的缺陷。句中含有“但”,表示转折关系,可以使用But来连接两个句子。“产量高、营养丰富、抗病力强”可采用“形容词+名词”结构,译成high productivity,rich nutrition and strong disease resistance。
2.“却持续引发信任危机”这句话中,“引发”在英文里不是持续性动词,不能用continuously来修饰,因此本句可理解为“却引发了持续的信任危机”,译成but touch off a continuous trust crisis。
4.最后一句可使用宾语从句的结构,译为The law requires that…。“任何单位和个人不得……”翻译时可将“不”字放在前面,修饰“任何单位和个人”,译为no entity and individual should apply…,该译法带有强调意味;也可处理成普通译法any entity and individual should not apply…。
