I believe very strongly that our overproduction of cheap grain in general, and corn in particular, has a lot to do with the fact

admin2010-10-14  34

问题     I believe very strongly that our overproduction of cheap grain in general, and corn in particular, has a lot to do with the fact that three-fifths of Americans are now overweight.  The obesity crisis is complicated in some ways, but it’s very simple in another way.  Basically, Americans are on average eating 200 more calories a day than they were in the 1970s. If you do that and don’t get correspondingly more exercise, you’re going to get a lot fatter. Many demographers are predicting that this is the first generation of Americans whose life span may be shorter than their parents’. The reason for that is obesity, essentially, and diabetes specifically.
    Where do those calories come from? Except for seafood, all our calories come from the farm. Compared with the mid-to-late 1970s, American farms are producing 500 more calories of food a day per American. We’re managing to pack away 200 of them, which is pretty heroic on our part. A lot of the rest is being dumped overseas, or wasted, or burned in our ears.
    Overproduction sooner or later leads to overconsumption, because we’re very good at figuring out how to turn surpluses into inexpensive, portable new products. Our cheap, value-added, portable corn commodity is corn sweetener, specifically high-fructose(高糖)com syrup. But we also dispose of overproduction in corn-fed beef, pork, and chicken. And now we’re even teaching salmon to eat corn, because there’s so much of it to get rid of.
    There is a powerful industrial logic at work here, the logic of processing. We discovered that corn is this big, fat packet of starch(淀粉)that can be broken down into almost any basic organic molecules and reassembled as sweeteners and many other food additives. Of the 37 ingredients in chicken nuggets, something like 30 are made, directly or indirectly, from corn.
Which of the following is true according to the passage?

选项 A、Americans’ standard of living is relatively low in the 1970s.
B、Americans are on average consuming 200 calories every day.
C、Farms are responsible for American overconsumption of calories.
D、Diabetes is the unavoidable result of Americans’ consuming corn.


解析 综合判断。从第2段第2、3句可以判断选项C)正确。从这两句话中并不能推出选项A),选项B)则是对文章的错误理解。这里说的“200 calories”是指比七十年代多消费的卡路里,并不是一天消费的全部卡路里。选项D)在文章中没有依据。
