There are poor teachers, to be sure, and I’m convinced the teaching profession in this country must police itself more vigorousl

admin2016-11-07  0

问题     There are poor teachers, to be sure, and I’m convinced the teaching profession in this country must police itself more vigorously. I thought sometimes that an incompetent teacher is worse than an incompetent surgeon, since a surgeon can cut up only one person at a time. However, it is also true that no profession is made healthy by focusing only on what’s bad, and we must begin to see teachers as part of the solution, not the problem.
    Perhaps we can learn something from Japanese here. Teachers in that country are heroes of the culture. If we do so, we may come closer to identifying the reason for the differences in school performance in our two countries.


答案 当然,也有不合格的老师。我确信,这个国家的教育界必须要大力地进行整顿。有时我想,一个无能的老师比一个不称职的外科医生还要糟糕。因为一个不高明的外科医生一次只是误诊一个病人。然而,同样确定无疑的是,仅仅把注意力集中在某种职业的消极方面,并不能使任何职业健康发展。我们应该开始把教师看做是解决问题的一部分,而不是把他们看成是问题的所在。 在这方面我们或许能从日本人那里学到一些东西。在日本,教师是文化的精英。如果我们也能这样的话,我们就能进一步找出中日两个国家在教育方面存在不同的原因。

