Now read the passage about animal protection. You will have 45 seconds to read the passage. Begin reading now. Reading T

admin2013-04-25  35

问题 Now read the passage about animal protection. You will have 45 seconds to read the passage.
    Begin reading now.
    Reading Time: 45 seconds
Living in Harmony with Animals
    If you are looking to help animals, look no further than your day-to-day activities. Every day offers new opportunities to live more humanely. You don’t have to make radical changes—even small changes can make a big difference. The three Rs of humane living—reduce, refine, replace—can help you make choices. Here’s an example of how to apply the three Rs to the food you eat. Reduce the amount of meat, eggs, and dairy products in your diet; refine your eating habits by choosing more humanely produced options; and replace animal products with vegetarian choices.
Student  Excuse me, professor. You know I will graduate next year. And many employers need experienced applicants. What can we students do to gain the required experience?
Professor  Well, you can do part-time jobs after school, on the weekends or during vacations.
Student  Can you recommend some channels to find a job?
Professor  Er, many websites, newspapers and job markets provide job information, and you can also visit some companies’ and agencies’ websites to see whether they need part-time assistants or trainees.
Student  OK.
Professor  And there are also a lot of volunteering opportunities provided by some organizations.
Student  Oh, I see. What will I gain from volunteering?
Professor  Er, you will be part of a team, develop new skills, gain valuable experience and meet new people.
Student  Great! It’s a precious chance for me to add some experience to my CV to help in getting a job.
Professor  Yes. That’s a good chance to practice what you have learned in class.
Student  Uh-huh. Then how can I apply for a voluntary job?
Professor  You can consult the student’s union or Volunteer Centre, or visit websites of some organizations.
Professor  Thank you, professor!
Professor  You are welcome!


答案In this century, hundreds of species have disappeared, almost always as a result of human activities. If we intend to help animals, look no further than our day-to-day activities. We don’t have to make radical changes—even small changes can make a big difference. Firstly, learn more about endangered animals and what we can do to help them. Secondly, watch National Geographic videos, read zoology books, and visit local nature centers instead of visiting zoos. Many zoo animals have been taken from their homes in the wild to be placed in zoos. Read why it is better to enjoy animals in their natural habitats. Thirdly, cut plastic six-pack rings (like those for soda) before throwing them away (or recycling them). These rings are commonly found around the necks of wildlife, from turtles to waterfowl and can kill them. And we can also teach children well by instructing them how to care for animals properly and how to treat them with kindness. Set an example by doing the same.

