People speak of "push" and "pull" factors concerning migration. Push factors are associated with the place of origin. It could b

admin2016-02-04  26

问题     People speak of "push" and "pull" factors concerning migration. Push factors are associated with the place of origin. It could be difficulty in finding a suitable job, war, or famine. Pull factors are associated with the place of destination. Most often these are economic, like better job opportunities or the availability of good land to farm.
    However, the prospect of packing up everything and moving to a new and perhaps very strange environment may appear interesting and challenging to an unmarried young man and appallingly difficult to a slightly older man with a wife and small kids. Similarly, the need to learn a new language and customs may excite one person and frighten another. Regardless of why people move, migration of large numbers of people causes conflict. The United States and other western countries have experienced adjustment problems with each new wave of immigrants. The newest arrivals are usually given the lowest-paid jobs and are resented by native people who may have to compete with them for those jobs. It has usually taken several decades for each group to be accepted into the mainstreams of society in the host country.


答案 人们谈到移民就会想到“推力”和“拉力”这两个因素。“推力”因素主要存在于移民所在国,如所在国发生战争、饥荒或难以找到适合的工作等,均可成为移居的一种推力。“拉力”因素则与所移居国家有关,这些因素最为经常的是经济因素,如所移居国家拥有更好的就业机会,土地肥沃,适于耕种等,均可成为一种拉力。 然而,备好行囊,迁移到一个新的或许十分陌生的环境,这对于一个单身汉来说似乎饶有兴趣且富有挑战性,而对年龄稍大、拖家带口的男子而言,这一切可能极为艰难。同样地,需要学习一种新的语言和风俗习惯或许会令一个人激动不已,但也会让另一个人惊恐不安。无论人们出于何种理由搬迁,人口的大量迁移都会造成冲突。每一次新的移民潮,美国及其他西方国家都曾遭遇调整问题。新来乍到的移民,往往只能从事一些收人最低的工作,而且还要遭到跟他们竞争那些工作岗位的本地人的排斥。每一批移民通常都要花上数十年时间才能被所移居国家的主流所接纳。

