20世纪70年代,中国人曾以有一件外国衬衣和一块进口电子手表而感到无比自豪。那 时候,国产商品在外观和功能方面都远远逊色于外国品牌产品。“崇洋媚外”在中国消费者心理上打下了烙印。 随着中国现代化科技和经济的发展,中国综合国力的提升,如今的国

admin2019-02-18  58

问题     20世纪70年代,中国人曾以有一件外国衬衣和一块进口电子手表而感到无比自豪。那


答案 In the 1970s, Chinese people were quite proud of owning an imported shirt and an imported electronic watch. At that time, domestic products were inferior to products of foreign brands both in appearance and function. The idea of worshipping and having blind faith in foreign things has been deeply rooted in the Chinese consumers. With the development of modern technology and economy, as well as the improvement of comprehensive national strength of China, domestic products at present have made a big leap in appearance, quality and technological element. Many domestic products are even superior to the similar products of foreign brands. Chinese people’ s attitudes toward foreign products have shifted from admiration to objectiveness, and finally even to contempt. The psychology of consumers is changing and people are gradually coming back to rational consumption.

解析    本文介绍了20世纪中国人“崇洋媚外”,喜欢外国商品胜过于中国商品;随着中国经济的进步,人们开始对国内商品产生好感,转为理性消费。就时态而言,原文第一段介绍的是20世纪的事情,所以用过去时,第二段用现在时。就句子结构而言,本文的句子结构都比较简单,不含复杂的句式,逻辑关系也比较明晰。就词汇难度而言,本文的词汇难度一般,没有难度较高的专业术语。
