The advent and widespread application of the smartphones has shaped the way people study and thus there is a growing trend of al

admin2016-06-30  28

问题     The advent and widespread application of the smartphones has shaped the way people study and thus there is a growing trend of allowing students to use their smartphones as learning tools in classroom. While some have responded critically, others have found it helpful. Does a smartphone serve as a valid learning tool or just as another distraction contributing to the social disengagement of students? The following are opinions from both sides. Read the excerpts carefully and write your response in about 300 words, in which you should:
    1. summarize briefly the opinions from both sides:
    2. give your comment.
    Marks will be awarded for content relevance, content sufficiency, organization and language quality. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks.
Supporters of smartphones in class
    Zu Ling, student of Lanzhou University: Although smartphones might look like toys at first, students can benefit from them with the help of some educational apps. For example, the installation of Youdao dictionary, an electronic dictionary app, enables me to access millions of words with just a swipe of finger. The dictionary provides not only the meaning of the words but also synonyms and antonyms. This app also allows me to add bookmarks so that I can refer to them later easily. What’s more, when feeling tired of transcribing teachers’ lessons, I can use my smartphone as an audio recording device to create audio recording notes. And later I can send the files to my desktop computer via e-mail to review what the teacher has taught at home.
    Michael, high school teacher: Some students are shy and ashamed to ask questions because no one wants to look like an idiot. Thanks to the smartphones, they can text me their questions. In the long run, I can help students to solve questions as soon as possible. I also encourage students to use their phones to photograph class assignments or lecture images. Therefore, they can have different options to access information.
    Jessica, college English teacher: I’ve employed some of the educational apps in my classroom, incorporating phones into weekly lessons. For example, in a recent study of the novel The Great Gatsby, groups of students became movie producers for a week, using apps such as iMovie. They created a movie and some other visual representations of the novel, demonstrating their understanding of the novel. In the end, students also voted for Best Actor/Actress, Supporting Actor/Actress, Musical Score, and Picture. In this project, technology, creativity, collaboration, and critical thinking are all combined to deliver such an amazing result which spanned far beyond the in-class lesson.
Critics of smartphones in class
    Fu Lai, junior university student: Smartphones distract students from learning. With the easy accessibility to Wechat or other social medias on phones, it is simple for us to abuse the policy and become distracted during class when we are allowed to use our phones for research. Besides, phones ringing or buzzing during class can certainly be a distraction too. How can one focus while noises are constantly emitting from phones?
    Lai Lai, teacher of Beijing Normal University: Although smartphones are cheaper than desktops, laptops and tablet computers, they still cost a lot. Moreover, service providers, such as China Mobile and China Unicom, charge monthly data use fee according to the amount of files downloaded, so large files may cause the cost to skyrocket. Another disadvantage of allowing smartphones in class is that the screen of smartphone is relatively small, making it hard for some users to read. Besides, it is even more difficult to type or enter information on a smartphone due to the size of the keypad. Although detachable keyboards are available, that will just add to the cost.
    Write your response on ANSWER SHEET FOUR.


答案 Smartphones in Class: Learning Tool or Distraction? When asked about the effect of mobile phones on learning, different people have different ideas. Critics of smartphones in class say that smartphones can not only be a distraction for students but also interrupt the entire class. Besides, the users have more difficulty in reading and typing on account of the small screen and keyboard of this gadget. However, due to the incredible versatility and Internet capabilities of smartphones, some educators are beginning to advocate the use of smartphones in class, suggesting students have become more engaged and interested in lessons with the help of smartphones. In addition, a multitude of education-friendly apps installed on smartphones also contribute to boosting students’ learning. In my view, admittedly, it is very tempting to check Wechat or other social medias in class, which unwittingly distracts students from study. What’s more, a ringing, beeping, or buzzing smartphone can disrupt a test, lecture, or study period and it is difficult to make sure that every phone is on silent mode throughout the day in the class. However, the learning opportunities of smartphones outweigh the disadvantages. With the advanced technology, the users can take pictures of what the teacher writes on the board instead of copying the information in their notebooks, and even record the discussion for later use. Moreover, they can also do their assignments by making videos, which would greatly enhance students’ passion for learning. Also, teachers should develop an agreement or contract governing smartphone usage in class. The consequences should be clearly outlined if the agreement is broken in order to minimize the disadvantages of using smartphones in class. To sum up, while there may exist some drawbacks in employing smartphones in class, I still absolutely appeal to incorporating smartphone as an advanced teaching tool into education for its advantages outweigh its disadvantages.

解析     题目指出智能手机的使用越来越普及,这也改变了人们的学习方式。本题要求讨论在课堂上引人智能手机会有效地促进学习还是会分散学生的注意力。在写作时,第一段简要总结双方对在课堂上使用手机的不同观点;第二段重点阐述自己对这一话题的观点与看法。首先,使用智能手机的确存在负面影响,但总体上看,利大于弊;其次,使用智能手机能更能激发学生的学习兴趣;最后,老师应针对智能手机的使用设立相应条例。第三段重申自己的观点。
