
admin2016-03-22  64

问题 中意两国都是拥有悠久历史和灿烂文化的文明古国。2000多年前,古罗马正处于文明鼎盛时期,中华文明也达到了历史的巅峰,一条“丝绸之路”将两大文明联结在一起。威尼斯商人马可•波罗、利玛窦、郎世宁等为中西文化交流作出贡献的意大利人,更为中国人民所熟知。


答案 China and Italy are both countries with a long history, splendid culture and ancient civilization. Two thousand years ago, Ancient Rome was in a period of great prosperity while China was also at the prime of its history. The two civilizations were linked by "The Silk Road". Marco Polo the Venetian merchant, Matteo Ricci and Giuseppe Castiglione, who have made extraordinary contributions to the cultural exchange between China and the West, are quite popular among Chinese people nowadays. Italy has assisted China in the past, and now it’s expected that Chinese entrepreneurs will invest in Italy. The one-way "Silk Road" twenty years ago can no longer accommodate the current situation of China’s rapid development, and now we are in need of another "Silk Road". To this end, Embassy of Italy in Beijing has made enormous efforts to simplify the applying procedure of visa, bringing more convenience for Chinese to invest or travel in Italy. I personally cultivate the interest of cycling to the stamp market near Yuetan Park to collect stamps. I like Beijing Opera as well, enjoying collecting old Chinese clothes and costumes of Beijing Opera. My wife is also a fan of China. She thinks the life here is suitable for her. My wife and I are familiar with China, but I don’t think most westerners, including Italians, know much about China. If I bring a picture of Sanlitun in Beijing or Pudong in Shanghai back to Italy, no one will believe this is actually China. The urbanization of China is entering a stage of rapid growth. I have been to some cities like Guilin, Suzhou, Hangzhou, Xi’an, Shanghai and Tianjin, which are all well-developed. Guilin is a tourist resort and historic city of worldwide fame. Landscape of Guilin is representatively karstic feature , the uniqueness of which has impressed me beyond words. As the saying goes that there is Paradise above and Suzhou and Hangzhou below, my tour to the renowned Suzhou and Hangzhou has bestowed me with profound impression as well.

