A、Reduce the administrative costs. B、Adopt effective business models. C、Hire part-time employees only. D、Make use of the latest

admin2019-03-18  27

We often hear people say that America is a land of opportunity, a country built on hope to aspire to greatness on the American dream. But as the dream as we once knew is dying, [22] today’ s demographics show that the middle class is disappearing. And now the richest one percent of the population has amassed more wealth than the bottom ninety percent.
     [23] Once upon a time, Americans thought that if they worked hard enough, even in the face of adversity, they would be rewarded with success. These days, though, the divide between rich and poor is greater than it has ever been. The question is, what is it going to take to change things? Maybe one day soon, real change will actually be made in our nation, and the gap will be eradicated. But what happens in the meantime? Is there something that we can do to help close the gap? Is there something that we can do to prove that a little compassion goes a long way?
    If we want to fix the problem of the income gap, first, we have to understand it. It is a grim reality that you can have one person who only makes around thirteen thousand dollars a year, while across town another is making millions. For me, it is kind of astonishing. [24] And if you ask low-income people what’ s the one thing that would change their life, they’ll say a full-time job. That’ s all they aspire to.
    So why is it so difficult for so many people to find employment? It partly comes down to profit-driven business models that are built around low wage work and part-time jobs that don’ t provide benefits. [25] Businesses, in order to bolster profits, hire employees as part-time workers only. This means they are paid the lowest legal wage and receive no health care or other benefits provided to full-time employees. Simultaneously, technological advancement and a global economy has reduced the demand for well paying blue collar jobs here in the United States. The cumulative effect of these two factors is that many Americans are forced to take two or more part- time jobs just to make ends meet. What has become obvious to me when it comes to the income gap is that there needs to be an opportunity for the people at the bottom to push them back up and push them into the middle class to give them hope in their lives.
Questions 22 to 25 are based on the recording you have just heard.
22. What do the surveys show about America, according to the speaker?
23. What did Americans use to believe?
24. What do low-income people aspire to?
25. What do businesses do to increase their revenues?

选项 A、Reduce the administrative costs.
B、Adopt effective business models.
C、Hire part-time employees only.
D、Make use of the latest technology.


解析 题干问的是企业如何提高收入。讲座中提到,为了增加利润,企业只雇用兼职员工,故答案为C(只雇用兼职人员)。A项(减少行政管理支出)和D项(充分利用最新技术)在讲座中均未提及,故排除。B项(采用有效的商业模式)与讲座内容不符,讲座中仅提到企业驱动利益的模式是围绕低工资和不提供福利的兼职工作建立的,故排除。
