
admin2020-11-04  54

问题    随着网上购物平台的数量日益增加,网络团购已经迅速成为一个亮点。团购是一种新型的购物方式,顾名思义就是指很多人一起购买同一产品,旨在获得优惠的购买价格。据了解,网络团购的主要群体是中国大、中城市的年轻人。由于团购只是另一种形式的网上购物,因此其性质与其他网上购物模式没有区别。网上购物中存在的问题也可以在团购中找到,比如虚假广告或不良的售后服务。


答案 With the growing number of online shopping platforms, online group buying has quickly made a hit. Group buying is a new shopping mode which, just as its name implies, means that many people buy the same product together aiming at getting a favorable buying price. It is known that the major group of online group buyers are young people in large and medium-sized cities of China. Since group purchasing is nothing more than another form of online shopping, its nature is no different from other online shopping patterns. Problems that exist in online shopping can also be found in group buying, such as deceptive advertisements or poor after-sales services.

解析 1.翻译第一句时,“随着……的数量日益增加”既可译为with引出的独立状语结构,也可译为as引导的状语从句,即as the number of online shopping platforms increases;“成为亮点”既可直译为become a highlight/bright spot,也可意译为make a hit,即“轰动一时”。
2.翻译第二句时,“顾名思义”可以作插入语,译为as the name implies/suggests;“旨在”可以直接用不定式to表达,也可以用短语in order to、aiming at、with the purpose of等泽出。
3.翻译第三句时,“主要群体”可译为the major/main group of;“大、中城市”即大城市和中等城市,可译为large and medium-sized cities。
4.翻译第四句时,“只是”既可译为only或merely,也可以用短语nothing more than或nothing but表达;“没有区别”可译为be no different from。
5.翻译最后一句时,定语“网上购物中存在的”修饰“问题”,既可译为参考译文中的定语从句,也可译为后置定语,即problems existing in online shopping;“虚假广告”可译为fake/deceptive advertisements。
