In 1786 a call went out to all the states inviting them to send delegates to a meeting to be held in Philadelphia in the spring

admin2013-07-02  31

问题     In 1786 a call went out to all the states inviting them to send delegates to a meeting to be held in Philadelphia in the spring of 1787 【C1】______.
    No more important meeting has ever been held in America to it came fifty-five men, among them some of the most famous men in our history. They included George Washington who presided over the convention, Benjamin Franklin, James Madison, and Alexander Hamilton. They worried teadily and in secret from May well into September and adjourned only after they had written a new plan of government to be sent to the thirteen States for approval 【C2】______ .A great English Statesman called this constitution the most remarkable work known to me in modern times to have been produced by the human intellect, at single stroke (so to speak), in its application to political affairs. 【C3】______ . Since then it has been the fundamental law of the nation.
    "We the people of the United States," the Preamble to the Constitution begins, 【C4】______. These purposes were: first, to form a more perfect Union; second, to establish justice; third,to insure domestic peace; fourth, to provide for the blessings of liberty to themselves and their posterity.
    The makers of the Constitution had no choice but to continue the dual system of governments system under which each of the states would look after its own affairs while a general government would attend to matters that the states could not deal with effectively. 【C5】______No other plan would win the support of any state. This is a basic fact to be kept in mind. The problem was to construct a sovereign nation made up of many sovereign states. The federal government must be built in such a way as to keep it from coming into conflict with the state governments. In solving the problem of the relation of the whole to the parts, 【C6】______
    We are now prepared to look briefly at the Constitution itself. What are its leading principles? What are its leading provisions?
    First of all, the Constitution is based on the principle of delegation of powers. This means that it provides for a national government that has only those powers granted to it in the Constitution by the people. Before it can act in a matter the federal government must find the power to do so in the Constitution. Powers not granted to the United States by the Constitution nor denied by it to the state are reserved to the states or to the people themselves. The states thus have powers that the federal government does not have. 【C7】______, Each state makes its own laws on these matters.
    Next, the Constitution provides for a federal government based on the principle of the separation of powers. It provides for three distinct departments of government: legislative,executive and judicial. All legislative power granted by the Constitution is given to Congress; the executive power is given to the President and the judicial power is given to the Supreme Court and other federal courts. The Constitution has many provisions intended to keep each department independent and strong. Each department has ways of exerting some control over the others. In this way no department can become all-powerful. The President is Commander-in-Chief of the army and navy, but all the money for supporting an army and navy must be appropriated by Congress. The Supreme Court has power to declare a law passed by Congress and approved by the President unconstitutional and without effect, 【C8】______
    The powers granted to the federal government by the Constitution are great enough to make it strong and able to act vigorously in matters relating to the nation as a whole. Congress has the power to levy taxes, maintain an army and navy, declare war, regulate commerce among the states and with foreign nations, admit new states into the Union, and to do many other things. 【C9】______ . The federal courts try all cases arising under the Constitution and under federal laws and treaties. If any state constitution or "state" law is in conflict with the federal Constitution or with any laws or treaties made in accordance with it, the state constitution or law must give way. 【C10】______
                                         (From The Constitution of the United States)
A. People would then be subject to two sets of laws, those of the nation and those of the states in which they lived
B. The United States Constitution and the laws and treaties made under it are the Supreme Law of the Land
C. but the President appoints Supreme Court justices with the consent of the Senate, and they may be removed from office by Congress if they do not behave as they should
D. and it goes on to set forth six purposes in the minds of the people in making and adopting the new form of government
E. This meeting was the Constitutional Convention, a great turning point in American history
F. It provides for a fair trial for persons accused of crimes, and forbids cruel and unusual punishments
G. The document was the Constitution of the United States
H. The changes have been made in two ways by formal amendment and by interpretation by the Supreme Court
I. Before 1788 had ended, the Constitution had been approved in most of the states and in 1789 it went into effect
J. Americans made their chief contribution to political science the federal system
K. The President’ s powers include the making of treaties with foreign nations with the consent of the Senate
L. The federal government, for example, has no power to pass laws regulating marriage and divorce in the states



