The destiny of wild places in the 21 century can be read in the numbers. The pressure to exploit the world’s remaining wildernes

admin2017-03-15  52

问题     The destiny of wild places in the 21 century can be read in the numbers. The pressure to exploit the world’s remaining wilderness for natural resources, food and human habitation will become overwhelming. But a new menace has emerged from the least likely place: the very people who care most passionately about empty places are hastening their death.
    Backcountry activities have become extremely trendy in the US, a fad that has been eagerly abetted by Madison Avenue. These days it’s impossible to turn on a television or open a magazine without being attacked by a barrage of ads that use skillfully packaged images of wilderness activities to encourage consumerism. Unsettling though this development may be, it happens to come with a substantial upside; because wilderness is now esteemed as something precious and fashionable, wild places are more often being rescued from commercial exploitation. But if the wilderness fad has made it easier to protect wild country from development, it has made it harder to protect wild country from the exploding ranks of wilderness enthusiasts.
    Increasingly, places once considered enduringly back of beyond are now crowded with solitude seekers. As wilderness dwindles and disappears, more is at stake than the fate of endangered species. Other, less tangible things stand to be lost as well. Empty places have long served for a host of complicated yearnings and desires. As an antidote to the alienation and pervasive softness that trouble modern society, there is no substitute for a trip to an untravelled patch of backcountry, with its wonders, privation and physical trials.


答案 21世纪自然荒野的命运可以从数量的减少上窥见一斑。我们承担着巨大的压力,需要开发世界上仅存的一些荒原来获得自然资源,获得食物,提供人类居住地。而新的危险来自于最不可能出现的地方,那些热切地关注着自然荒野的人加速了它的消亡。 回归大自然的活动在麦迪逊街的时尚引领下,成为美国的风潮。现在,打开电视,翻开杂志,迎面而来的就是接二连三的广告,巧妙地利用探索自然的背包一族的形象,鼓动人们的消费热情。这种现象令人忧心忡忡,但是也会带来极大的好处,既然人们认为荒原稀有珍贵,探索自然是前沿的时尚,那么自然荒野就能躲开商业社会的冲击。如果荒野热使荒野受到保护免遭开发还算容易的话,那么要从不断壮大的荒野爱好者队伍脚下保护荒原就要困难多了。 过去没有人烟的地方现在到处有独行的探险者出没。随着荒原的减少和消失,陷入危险境地的不仅仅是濒临灭绝的物种,许多无形的东西也在消失。长期以来,自然荒野是令人产生许多复杂情绪的地方,令人充满留恋,令人充满向往。现代社会人们互相疏离,敏感脆弱,要根治这些普遍存在的问题,什么也比不上来到一片人迹罕至的地方,欣赏美景,享受孤独,经受体力的磨炼。

