In the new millennium I want to see disabled people acquiring the same degree of control over their lives that other people have

admin2014-07-25  29

问题   In the new millennium I want to see disabled people acquiring the same degree of control over their lives that other people have. To be disabled is to be no less human than anyone else, but far too often disabled people still have their lives ruled by others. No able-bodied person would put up with it.
  Access to intellectual opportunities and jobs as well as buildings and public transport need to be regarded as rights, not gifts society is generous enough to bestow on disabled people. Institutions are generally willing to adapt their buildings, but only when a disabled person needs them-and afterwards you hear grumbles that the money was wasted because "you never see" a disabled person using the new facilities.
  The record is appalling. Even the recent Disability Discrimination ACT fails to cover areas like education and transport, areas that are absolutely crucial if full citizen’s rights are to be extended to the disabled. Until recently people with disabilities were not legally allowed to use the London Underground. Now there are a few stops, but still not remotely enough.


答案在新千年里,愿残疾人能获得与他人一样驾驭自己生活的能力。身有残疾并不等于低人一等,但是残疾人的生活仍受到他人主宰的情况比比皆是。对于任何一个身体健全的人来说,这种情况都是无法忍受的。 残疾人不仅要能进入建筑物,使用公共交通工具,而且要有受教育的机会,能获得工作,这应被视为权利,而不应看作社会慷慨施舍给残疾人的礼物。公共机构通常愿意改造其建筑物,但只是在残疾人需要使用这些建筑物时才改造,而且过后就会听到他们抱怨说,钱白白浪费了,因为“根本看不见”残疾人使用新设施。 残疾人的境遇遭透了。甚至最近颁布的《反歧视残疾人法》也没有把教育和交通之类的领域包括进去.要想把公民的全部权利推广到残疾人身上,这些领域至关重要。直到最近,法律才允许残疾人使用伦敦地铁。现在有了几个可供残疾人使用的地铁站,但还远远不够。

