A、It has been very favorably received. B、It has given rise to much controversy. C、It offends many environmentalists. D、It was pr

admin2022-03-24  39

M: Good morning and welcome to People in the News! With me today is Megan Brown, an environmental activist whose controversial new book Beyond Recycling is making headlines.
W: Hi, Bryan! Thanks for having me today. I’m excited to explain to the audience what my book is really about.
M: Critics of your book assert that you’re trying to force radical changes on the entire country. Some claim that you want to force everyone to eat a vegetarian diet and make private transport illegal.
W: I’m aware of those claims, but they simply aren’t true. People who haven’t read the book are making assumptions about my arguments. They know I am a vegetarian, that I don’t wear leather or fur, and that I always use public transportation. So, they are depicting me as a radical animal rights activist and an environmentalist determined to force my beliefs on others.
M: But don’t you want others to adopt your practices? You’ve campaigned for animal rights and environment for decades.
W: I’d love it if people chose to live as I do. But my life choices are based on my personal convictions. They aren’t my recommendations for others who don’t share those convictions.
M: Well, in this excerpt from your book, you argue that meat consumption and private transport are devastating the environment, and that the best choices for the planet are vegetarian diets and public transport.
W: I did write that. But those are examples what I call best practices, not what I’m actually suggesting. In my guidelines for saving the environment, I suggest modest changes, like eating vegetarian meals two days a week.
M: You also endorse high taxes on meat and other animal products, and increase taxes on gasoline. Those taxes could force poor people to adopt your life choices.
W: But the taxes I suggest aren’t that high, less than 3 percent only, plus the money generated would be allocated to environmental protection which benefits everyone.
1.What do we learn about the woman’s new book?
2.What do some critics say about the author of the book?
3.What does the woman claim about the diet changes she suggested?
4.What does the woman say about her suggested tax increase?

选项 A、It has been very favorably received.
B、It has given rise to much controversy.
C、It offends many environmentalists.
D、It was primarily written for vegetarians.


解析 对话开头,男士提到:“今天和我一起的是环保活动家梅根.布朗,她的新书《回收之外》颇受争议,成为报纸头条。”由此可知,女士的新书引起了很多争议,故B项为正确答案。由于该书引起了很多争议。所以该书不可能“得到了很好的评价”,而且对话中也没有提到,故排除A项;C项是根据对话中出现的environmentalist设置的干扰项,但对话中女士说的是没读过她的书的人“将我描述成激进的动物权利活动家和环保主义者,决心将我的信仰强加于他人”,并没有说她的书冒犯了环保主义者,故排除C项;D项是根据对话中出现的vegetarian设置的干扰项,但对话中说的是女士是一位素食主义者,其书中提到素食和公共交通是拯救环境的最佳做法的例子,并没有说该书主要是为素食者写的,故排除D项。
