青藏铁路(Qinghai-Tibet Railway)是西部大开发(Western Development Program)的标志性工程,是中国新世纪四大工程之一。该铁路东起青海西宁,西至西藏拉萨,全长1956公里。新建线路1110公里,于2001年6月2

admin2017-04-12  39

问题     青藏铁路(Qinghai-Tibet Railway)是西部大开发(Western Development Program)的标志性工程,是中国新世纪四大工程之一。该铁路东起青海西宁,西至西藏拉萨,全长1956公里。新建线路1110公里,于2001年6月29日正式开工,2006年7月1日正式通车。青藏铁路是世界上线路最长、海拔(elevation)最高的高原铁路,被誉为“天路”(Road to the Heaven)。青藏铁路的建设者们克服了常年冻土、高原缺氧、生态脆弱和天气恶劣四大工程难题。青藏铁路为青海和西藏的经济发展及旅游资源开发提供了广阔空间,有利于促进藏族与其他各民族的文化交流,增强民族团结。


答案 Qinghai-Tibet Railway, a landmark project in the Western Development Program, is one of the four major projects of China in the new century. The railway stretches for 1,956 kilometers in total from Xining, Qinghai Province in the east to Lhasa, Tibet in the west. The newly-built railway measures 1,110 kilometers long, which was formally started to be built on 29 June 2001 and officially opened to traffic on July 1st, 2006. Qinghai-Tibet Railway is the longest and the highest-elevation plateau railroad in the world, thus it is called "Road to the Heaven". Constructors of the railway overcame four major engineering difficulties: ever-frozen ground, lack of oxygen, fragile ecology and harsh weather. The railway provides broad space for the development of the economy and tourism resources in Qinghai and Tibet It can strengthen national unity by promoting cultural exchanges between Tibetans and other nationalities.

解析 1.第二句中的“全长……公里”可套用…stretches for…kilometers句型来表达,再通过介词短语from…to…表明青藏铁路的起点和终点。
3.第四句“青藏铁路是世界上……”中,两个分句间在逻辑上存在因果关系,因此用thus连接前后两个分句:“线路最长、海拔最高的”可用the longest and the highest-elevation表达。
4.最后一句中,前一分句说青藏铁路为经济发展和旅游资源开发所做的贡献,后两个分句说明青藏铁路为民族团结所做的贡献,二者语义不太紧密,可分译为两个句子。后两个分句中,可选定“增强民族团结”为句子主干,“促进藏族与其他各民族的文化交流”可理解成“增强民族团结”的方式,故译为by引导的介词短语:by promoting cultural exchanges…。
