A、Marginalizing hunger people. B、Isolating hunger people. C、Mobilizing communities. D、Building local government C发动社区和建立本地机构对于维持

admin2016-11-26  25

Good evening and welcome to tonight’s lecture. My topic today is how to address the problem of hunger and starvation, which still exists in many parts of the world. To end hunger starts with people’s own productivity. A dangerous commonplace we often hear is: give a man a fish and feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for life. People living with chronic hunger have generations of wisdom about "fishing"—the problem is the barbed wire around the lake. The hunger project announced recently by the United Nations cut through the barbed wire, addressing the underlying social conditions that systematically deny hungry people the opportunity they need to end their own hunger. When we invest in a hunger project we are investing in people’s productivity and giving people a chance to translate their hard work into improved well-being. We are ensuring that people get the opportunities which are rightfully theirs. Too often hungry people are isolated, marginalized and exploited. Mobilizing communities and building local organizations are critically important—both to sustain the work we do and to get more out of our precious resources and efforts. When people come together to work, a kind of social capital is created that can compensate for the lack of financial capital in rural areas. In Africa, a unique feature of the hunger project’s work is to organize villages to work cooperatively on community land to produce food for food banks. This fosters collective responsibility and action for a better future for all. Another example is in some Asian countries, such as India and Bangladesh, where hunger project volunteer animators have initiated the creation of over 1,100 local organizations throughout the country. With nearly 50% ran by women, these local groups create savings programs and invest in individual and collective income generating enterprises, including sowing, tailoring and weaving projects, bakeries and small businesses, fish and poultry farming, bee keeping and plant nurseries. The impact of these enterprises is enormous. As women have become economically empowered, the decision-making roles have increased. As family incomes have often tripled, parents are sending more children—both girls and boys—to school.
16. What is the first thing to end hunger?
17. What is the aim of the hunger project announced recently by the United Nations?
18. What is critically important to sustain the work we do?
19. What has increased as women became economically empowered?

选项 A、Marginalizing hunger people.
B、Isolating hunger people.
C、Mobilizing communities.
D、Building local government


解析 发动社区和建立本地机构对于维持我们每个人的工作和获得更多宝贵资源起着至关重要的作用,C项“发动社区”是其中的一个因素,故选C项。A项“使饥饿的人们边缘化”和B项“孤立饥饿的人们”在讲座中均有提及,但这些都是饥荒造成的影响,跟问题中的“维持我们每个人工作的核心”不符,D项“建立本地政府”与讲座中“建立本地机构”不符,故排除。
