Can Medicines Make You Healthy? Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the drawing. In your essay, you should 1) descr

admin2017-02-18  34

问题     Can Medicines Make You Healthy?
    Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the drawing. In your essay, you should
    1) describe the drawing briefly,
    2) interpret its intended meaning, and
    3) give your comments.


答案 As is portrayed in the picture, a chubby man is surrounded by piles of medicines, some of which are took to make body stronger, while some are to lower blood pressure, reduce weight and so on. Under the picture, the caption reads: "Would taking so many medicines make us healthy?" This picture is trying to reveal the misconception of some people: the more medicines we take, the healthier we will be. But does this belief hold water? Apparently not, as is indicated by the picture. In my opinion, it is unhealthy and unreasonable to take so many medicines. People may justify the action by claiming that medicines are like bodyguards in our life. The more we take, the safer we are. In fact, some medicines, or health care products, are mere placebos without substantial effects. A mix of medicines might even pose a fatal threat to our health. What needs to be cured, in this case, is not our physical body, but our faulty ways of thinking. If we really want to stay healthy, we should do some exercise, maintain a healthy diet, and keep a light mood. These are truly "medicines" we need to take, and best of all, without any side-effects.

解析     这幅图片刻画了一个胖子面前堆着一大堆药,图下方的图解写道:“吃这么多药就能健康?”可见该图是反对胡乱吃药,也对“药吃得越多越健康”的观点提出质疑。根据这一思路,并按照题目要求,全文可以安排如下:
