女士们,先生们,上午好! 中国和马来西亚是友好近邻,两国传统友谊源远流长。中国明朝郑和七下西洋,五次到达马六甲,同当地人民友好交往和互利通商,至今传为佳话。中马建交33年来,两国经贸合作持续快速发展。中国海关统计,2006年两国贸易额达371亿

admin2010-01-20  64

问题     女士们,先生们,上午好!  
    进一步加强中马友好合作,符合两国根本利益。扩大中马互利经贸合作将为中马友好注入更多的实质性内容,为两国人民创造更多的福祉。我们愿与马方共同努力,在“平等互利、共同发展”的原则基础上开展多种形式的互利合作,不断开创两国经贸合作的新局面。预祝本次展览洽谈会取 得圆满成功!谢谢。[TONE]∥[TONE]  


答案Ladies and gentlemen,Good morning! China and Malaysia are friendly neighbours. The two countries have a long-standing traditionalfriendship. Zheng He of the Ming Dynasty went on voyages to the western oceans for seven times. Amongthem,for fiVe times,he arrived at the Strait of Malacca and made friendly exchanges and mutually beneficialtrade with the local people,which has been a much-told story to this day. In the past 33 years since China and Malaysia established diplomatic relations, the economic and trade cooperations between the two countries have seen a sustained, rapid and sound development. According to China Customs statistics, the trade volume of the two nations in 2006 has reached $37.1 billion, increasing by more than 230 times since the establishment of relations. This year the number will exceed $45 billion. China and Malaysia are important trade partners to each other. China has become the biggest export market of Malaysian pahn oil and natural rubber and the fourth of electronic products. With the rapid increase of bilateral trade, the mutual investment between the two countries has also made great progress. Up to the end of this September, Malaysia’s actual investment in China has gone over $4.5 billion. With the constant enhancement of China’s economic strength and the implementation of the strategy of "going global", more and more Chinese companies are going to Malaysia for investment and cooperation.Malaysia enjoys political stability, ethnic harmony, fast growing economy, and excellent investmentenvironment, therefore the Chinese government actively supports and encourages capable Chinese companiesto make investments in Malaysia and develop mutually beneficial cooperation. In order to promote amities and develop bilateral trade among China, Malaysia and other members of ASEAN, the Ministry of Commerce of China has successfully held the China Commodity Fair for three times since 2004, under the strong support of the Malaysian Government and business communities. Altogetherup to 500 Chinese companies have attended the fair, and buyers from more than 30 countries have joinedfor visits, purchases and business negotiations. The fair has set up a favorable image among Chinese andMalaysian business communities and has established a brand of its own. This year, over 200 companies will attend the fair. For more than 100 companies, it is their first time to exhibit their new products and technologies at the fair in Malaysia. As many as more than 8,000 buyers will be present. I believe the fair of this year is sure to play an active role in the promotion of the economic andtrade cooperation between China and Malaysia. It serves the fundamental interests of both countries to further strengthen the friendly cooperation of China and Malaysia. The broadening of mutually beneficial economic and trade cooperation will add moreessentials to the amities of the two countries and therefore bring greater welfare to their people. We arewilling to make joint efforts with Malaysia to develop mutually beneficial cooperation in multiple forms onthe basis of "equality, mutual benefit, and common development", and open up new prospects for the bothcountries’ economic and trade cooperation. I wish this fair a great success! Thank you.

