Which statement about the "Wars of Roses" is NOT true? ( )

admin2013-01-27  9

问题 Which statement about the "Wars of Roses" is NOT true? (  )

选项 A、The king’s power now became supreme.
B、Ordinary people were seriously affected.
C、The wars were waged intermittently for 30 years.
D、From these wars feudalism received its death blow.


解析 Although the Wars of the Roses were waged intermittently forthirty years,ordinary people were little affected and went about theirbusiness as usual.From these wars feliitalism received its death hlow.No less than 80 nobles of royal blood were killed in the wars.The greatmedieval nobility was much weakened and discredited.The king’s powernow became supreme.虽然“玫瑰战争”断断续续进行了三十年,但普通民众所受影响甚微,他们照常从事各自营生。封建制度却遭受了致命的打击。不少于80位皇族血统的贵族阵亡,中世纪的贵族势力被大大削弱,名誉扫地。至此国王的权力变得至高无上。可见,只有B项错误。
