
admin2019-06-20  63

问题    中国是一个发展中的大国,在工业化的过程中,环境问题比较突出,因此国家把环境保护列为一项基本国策。近年来,中国政府采取了各种措施来加强环境治理,如大力发展和广泛建立自然保护区;颁布了《环境保护法》;加强环境保护的宣传和教育。目前,环境治理已取得了明显成效,


答案 China is a major developing country undergoing rapid industrialization. The environmental problem in China is getting more and more serious, thus environmental protection has been taken as one of the basic national policies by the government. In recent years, the Chinese government has taken lots of measures to improve the environmental governance, such as taking significant steps to develop and widely establish natural reserves, promulgating Environmental Protection Law, and strengthening the publicity and education of environmental protection. Now, distinct achievements have been gained in environmental governance. Most of the urban environment and agricultural ecological environment have been improved. The capability of preventing and controlling industrial pollution has been highly enhanced. Thus, the environmental protection has become a topic of everyone’s concern, and gradually has got more attention.

