Teeth Care Dentists say that the most important part of tooth care happens at home. Brushing and flossing properly, along wi

admin2009-04-23  40

问题                                            Teeth Care
    Dentists say that the most important part of tooth care happens at home. Brushing and flossing properly, along with regular dental checkups, can help prevent tooth decay and gum disease.
    Giving Plaque the Brush-Off
    To prevent cavities, you need to remove plaque, the transparent layer of bacteria that coats the teeth. The best way to do this is by brushing your teeth twice a day and flossing at least once a day. Brushing also act as stimulus to the gums, which helps to keep them healthy and prevent gum disease.
    Toothpastes contain minimal abrasives(磨料), detergents, and foaming agents. Fluoride, the most common active ingredient in toothpaste, is what prevents cavities. So you should always be sure your toothpaste contains fluoride.
    About one person in 10 has a tendency to accumulate tartar quickly. Tartar is plaque(硬块) in a hardened form that is more damaging and difficult to remove. Using antitartar toothpastes and mouthwashes, as well as spending extra time brushing the teeth near the salivary glands(the inside of the lower front teeth and the outside of the upper back teeth),may slow the development of new tartar.
    If you have teeth that are sensitive to heat, cold, and pressure, you may want to try a special toothpaste for sensitive teeth. But you’ll still need to talk to your dentist promptly about your sensitivity because it may be indicative of a more serious problem, such as a cavity or nerve irritation.
    Tips on Proper Brushing
    Dentists say that the minimum time you should spend brushing your teeth is 2 minutes twice a day. Here are some tips on how to brush properly:
    -Hold your brush at a 45-degree angle against your gumline. Gently brush from where the tooth and gum meet to the chewing surface in short (about half-a-tooth-wide) strokes. Brushing too hard can cause receding gums, tooth sensitivity, and, over time, loose teeth.
    -Use the same method to brush all outside and inside surfaces of your teeth.
    -Place the brush against the biting surface of the teeth & use a gentle back & forth scrubbing motion. Brush the tongue from back to front to remove odor-producing bacteria.
    -To clean the inside surfaces of your top and bottom front teeth and gums, tilt brush vertically behind the front teeth. Make several up & down strokes using the front half of the brush.
    -Remember don’t share your toothbrush with others. The exchange of body fluids that such sharing would foster places toothbrush sharers at an increased risk for infections, a particularly important consideration for persons with compromised immune systems or infectious diseases.
    -Use an egg timer or play a favorite song while brushing your teeth to get used to brushing for a full 2 to 3 minutes. Some electronic toothbrushes have timers that let you know when 2 minutes are up.
    Facts on Flossing
    Brushing is important but it won’t remove the plaque and particles of food between your teeth, under the gumline, or under braces. Sometimes, the bacteria break down the food particles and create volatile sulfur compounds. For this reason you’ll need to floss these spaces at least once a day.
    With any floss, you should be careful to avoid injuring your gums. Follow these instructions:
    -Carefully insert the floss between two teeth, using a back and forth motion.
    -Gently bring the floss to the gumline, but don’t force it under the gums. Curve the floss around the edge of your tooth in the shape of the letter "C" and slide it up and down the side of each tooth.
    -Repeat this process between all your teeth, and remember to floss the back sides of your back teeth.
    Tooth-Whitening Products
    Some toothpastes claim to whiten teeth. There’s nothing wrong with using whitening toothpastes as long as they also contain fluoride and ingredients that fight plaque and tartar. Nonetheless these toothpastes alone don’t contain much in the way of whitening ingredients and probably won’t noticeably produce sparkling teeth.
    It’s easy to be lured by ads telling people they need gleaming white teeth. But these ads are really targeted to older people. The truth is that most teens don’t need tooth whitening because teeth usually become more discolored as a person gets older. If you think your teeth aren’t white enough, though, talk to your dentist before you try any over-the-counter whitening products. Your dentist may be able to offer you professional treatment, which will be suited to your unique needs and will work better than over-the-counter products.
    The Nutrition Connection
    Eating sugar, as you probably already know, is a major cause of tooth decay. But it’s not just how much sugar  you eat—when and how you eat it can be just as important to keeping teeth healthy.
    When you eat sugary foods or drink sodas frequently throughout the day, the enamel(牙齿的珐琅质) that protects your teeth is constantly exposed to acids. Hard candies, cough drops, and breath mints that contain sugar are especially harmful because they dissolve slowly in your mouth, which makes your teeth more vulnerable to attack from bacteria. Many experts suggest that you take a 3-hour break between eating foods containing sugar to reduce the likelihood of tooth decay.
    After eating sugar, and even within minutes of brushing your teeth, a combination of carbohydrate and protein molecule adheres to the teeth to start the formation of plaque. Sugary or starchy foods eaten with a meal are less harmful to your teeth than when they’re eaten alone, possibly because the production of saliva(唾液), which washes away the sugar and bacteria, is increased. Eating sugary foods before you go to bed can be the most destructive (especially if you don’t brush your teeth afterward) because you don’t produce as much saliva when you sleep.
    For most people, it’s hard to cut out their adored sweets completely, so try to follow these more realistic guidelines:
    -Eat carbohydrates(sugars and starches) with a meal.
    -If you can’t brush your teeth after eating, rinse your mouth with water or mouthwash, or chew sugarless gum.
    -Don’t eat sugary foods between meals.
    -If you snack, eat nonsugary foods, such as cheese, popcorn, raw vegetable, or yogurt.
    Going to the Dentist
    The main mason for going to the dentist regularly—every 6 months—is prevention. The goal is to prevent tooth decay, gum disease, and other disorders that put the health of your teeth and month at risk.
    Your first consultation with a dentist will probably consist of three main parts: a dental and medical history(where the dentist or dental hygienist asks you questions about your tooth care and reviews any dental records), a dental examination(the dentist will use a little mirror and metal instrument to scrape off any plaque or tartar),  and a professional bleaching.
    At the end of your visit, the dentist will let you know if you need to return to fill a cavity. Your dentist also may refer you to an orthodontist(口腔正畸医师)if he or she thinks you may need braces or have other issues.
    More Dental Problems
    Dental caries (tooth decay) can attack the teeth at any age. Children are the most cavity prone, but adults of all ages can be affected, too. In fact, two out of three cavities in people over 50 are a result of decay around existing fillings, and most people over 60 have root caries as a result of gum diseases. Left untreated, caries can cause severe pain and result in tooth loss. Losing teeth affects how you look and feel about yourself as well as your ability to chew and speak. Treating caries is also expensive. So prevention and early treatment are important.
    It may surprise you to know that 60% of 15-year-olds experience gingivitis, the first stage of gum disease. Gingivitis, which involves the gums but not the underlying bone, is almost always caused by an accumulation of plaque. As with caries, treatment can be expensive. If you remove plaque regularly and follow good oral hygiene habits, your gums usually will return to their healthy state.

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