"If there were none of this playing at generosity in warfare, we should never go to war, except for something worth facing certa

admin2010-03-25  28

问题     "If there were none of this playing at generosity in warfare, we should never go to war, except for something worth facing certain death for, as now. Then there would not be wars because Pavel Ivanitch had insulted Mihail Ivanitch. But if there is war as now, let it be really war. And then the intensity of warfare would be something quite different. All these Westphalians and Hessians Napoleon is leading against us would not have come to fight us in Russia, and we should not have gone to war in Austria and in Prussia without knowing what for. War is not a polite recreation, but the vilest thing in life, and we ought to understand that and not play at war. We ought to accept it sternly and solemnly as a fearful necessity. It all comes to this: have done with lying, and if it’s war, then it’s war and not a game, or else warfare is simply the favourite pastime of the idle and frivolous.... The military is the most honored calling. And what is war, what is needed for success in war, what are the morals of the military world? The means employed in warfare—spying, treachery, trickery and lying, which are called military strategy; the morals of the military class—absence of all independence, that is, discipline, idleness, ignorance, cruelty, debauchery, and drunkenness. And in spite of all that, it is the highest class, respected by every one.


答案 战争不是请客吃饭,而是生活中最丑恶的事情,应当了解这一点,不要把战争当儿戏。要严肃认真地对待这一可怕的必然性。这就在于:去掉谎言,战争就是战争,而不是儿戏。不然,战争就成为懒汉与轻浮之辈喜爱的消遣了……军人阶层是最受尊敬的。但是什么是战争呢?怎样才能打胜仗?军界的风气是怎样的?战争的手段是间谍,叛变,欺骗和说谎,这些被称为军事的计谋。军人阶层的习俗是没有自由,也就是说,惩戒、闲散,愚昧无知,残忍成性,荒淫和酗酒。虽然如此,军人仍是人人都尊敬的最高阶层。

