Of course, making sure it’s as easy as possible for the media to get their material back to base is usually in the interest of t

admin2014-01-09  26

问题     Of course, making sure it’s as easy as possible for the media to get their material back to base is usually in the interest of the White House. It not only provides a transcript of every presidential utterance and background information on every place he’s visiting, it also invests a great deal of time and effort in what’s known in the trade as "spinning". A steady stream of administration officials and foreign-policy experts circulates in the pressroom, seeking to cast the President’s word in the best possible light. The spinners gravitate most readily towards the television networks and the most important American newspapers. It’s not uncommon to see a correspondent composing a dispatch on a personal computer with a White House official at his or her side, should any extra advice or information be required.
   Despite, or at times because of, such close attention, relations between the White House and its traveling press corps are seldom on an even keel for long. Ruffled feathers have to be smoothed and confrontations resolved. On such occasions, small gestures can make a big difference.


答案 当然,保证新闻媒介尽可能方便地把资料发回总部通常是小于白宫利益考虑。它不仅提供总统每一次讲话的详细记录及其每一访问地点的背景信息,而且也投入了大量的时间以及人力与物力以达到商业上所谓的“运筹帷幄”。大批政府官员和外交政策专家活跃于记者室,推敲构思总统演说的一字一句,斟酌到至善至美的境界。这些智囊团非常乐意到电视网或美国最重要的报社去走走瞧瞧。所以,当需要额外的咨询或信息时,看到私人电脑前一个记者与一个白宫官员一起坐着写出一篇新闻报道时也就不足为奇了。 尽管亲密如斯,有时恰恰因为如此,白宫与其随行新闻界人士的关系常常好景不长。被触怒的人不得不安抚,对抗的局面不得不解决。这种时候,小小的一个手势能大大地扭转局面。

