Dan Miller is a 19-year-old business student in London. He’s also the CEO of a social media company that aims to reach five mill

admin2022-04-20  44

问题     Dan Miller is a 19-year-old business student in London. He’s also the CEO of a social media company that aims to reach five million young Brits by 2022. "Our mission is to be the next Linkedln, but for students," he says. Miller is an example of the youngest generation of innovators that will define how we work in years to come.
    It’s hard to give a definitive age range for Generation Z (also called "iGen"), as descriptions vary among experts. But roughly, the oldest members of this group are around 22, which means some are starting to leave school, to apply for jobs and make money. This generation grew up with social media, watching people like Justin Bieber go from YouTube obscurity to global fame. The importance of social media—both in how it’s shaped Gen Z and how Gen Z will use it to reshape the workforce—can’t be overstated.
    "This is a generation that has actively had entrepreneurial opportunities growing up — in many ways, if you’ve grown up managing your personal brand on Instagram, you’re much better wired to think of yourself as an individual brand instead of a cog in an organizational machine," says Arun Sundararajan, a business professor at New York University.
    Miller echoes this sentiment: "I think social media is a big influence—everything strikes us as, ’we can start our own company. ’" It’s not hard to see where he’s coming from: on YouTube alone, young people have launched their own business of reviewing makeup, unboxing new trainers or getting strangers to watch them play video games.
    For a generation where flexible work and the gig economy have always been career options, making money from a large online following is one of many "micro-entrepreneurial" ventures that has replaced the traditional career path. "This will be the first generation that actively embraces the micro-entrepreneurial jobs as their primary way of earning a living, rather than stable, full-time employment," says Sundararajan. "The one word is ’entrepreneurial’ — that’s the critical differentiator.
    But labelling Gen Z as "entrepreneurial" is a common mistake, says Jean Twenge. She is a psychology professor at San Diego State University and author of iGen , a book about the post-Millennial generation. "Absolutely, they’re driven," Twenge says. "In some cases, it’s driven by fear, or ambition. They’re just not driven to take risk.
    Her book cites research from the University of Michigan: in 2015. over 55% of American high school students in their final year reported they were "willing to work overtime"—the highest that figure’s been since 1993. And in 2016, only 37% of university students said that "becoming successful in a business of my own" was important, compared to 50% of people the same age in 1984.
    This is the mindset of a generation that grew up during the Great Recession; "Millennials grew up in economic prosperity and thought everything [in life and in the workforce] would be easy," says Twenge. "iGen doesn’t have that illusion.
According to Arun Sundararajan, Gen Z is characterized by________.

选项 A、taking every opportunity to promote the image
B、pursuing independent individuality
C、underestimating stable full-time jobs
D、taking the initiative in entrepreneurial practice


解析 本题是细节题。根据题干中的关键词Arun Sundararajan定位至第三段和第五段。这两段中带有引号的内容提到“这一代人在成长过程中通过多种方式主动把握住了很多创业机会”“这将是第一代主动把微创业而非稳定的全职工作作为他们主要谋生方式的人”以及 “其中的‘创业’一词是重要的差异所在”。可知,阿伦.桑达拉拉扬认为,Z一代的特征是“积极主动地创业”。故答案选D。其中taking the initiative与文中的actively相对应,entrepreneurial为原词复现。A项“抓住每个机会提升形象”和B项“追求独立个性”分别对第三段中提到的“grown up managing your personal brand”与“an individual brand”设置干扰,但该段中if引导的内容只是阿伦.桑达拉拉扬所举的一个例子,主要还是用来说明Z一代的创业积极性,偏离了作者想表述的意思,故均排除;C项“轻视稳定的全职工作”中的underestimating并未提及,故排除。
