A national political struggle is continuing over the issue of protection for the remnants (剩余,残余)of vast ancient forests that we

admin2010-04-12  21

问题     A national political struggle is continuing over the issue of protection
for the remnants (剩余,残余)of vast ancient forests that were once covered        【M1】 ______
the northwestern areas of the United States. These old forests, calling" old       【M2】 ______
growth", contain trees form 200 to 1, 200 years old. There are now about
6 million acres of virgin forest in Washington and Oregon, only about one-
tenth of what existed before the 1800s. This old-growth area contain some          【M3】 ______
of the most valuable timber in the nation, but its economical worth is also        【M4】 ______
contained in its water, wildlife, scenery, and recreational facilities.
    Conservationists want the majority of existing old growth protected from
harvesting. They emphasize on the vital relationship between old growth            【M5】 ______
and the health of the forest’s ecosystem. They cite studies that show that both
downed and stood old trees store and release nutrients necessary to younger        【M6】 ______
    On the other hand, many of the Northwest’s economy is developed                【M7】 ______
around the logging industry. Trees are cut down to make wood products, and
many mills are geared for old-growth industry. In recently years, 500 acres        【M8】 ______
of old growth have been logged, excluding trees up to 500 years old and eight      【M9】 ______
feet in diameter. As the U.S. Forest System wrestles(全力对付)with the problem
of how much of the forest to save, the harvesting of timber continues. The
district office refuse to remove any of the old growth from timber production. The
struggle is continuing at the national level, with strong proponents on all sides. 【M10】 ______  



解析 一致问题。代词的可数和不可数,依据它所修饰的名词的数来定。much和economy相一致。译文:另一方面,西北部经济的重点围绕着木材工业发展。
