
admin2014-02-15  38

问题     过去,由于美国政府和种族歧视政策和华人自身素质等局限,华人涉足美国政坛者非常少。近几年来,华人经济迅速发展,出类拔萃的华裔精英不断涌现,华人的政治地位明显提高,步入美国政法界、军警界的华裔逐渐增多,如白宫出口委员会副主席陈香梅,交通部副部长赵小兰等等。据著名华人律师徐永寿估计,目前美国的华人律师、法官已经超过1000名。


答案 In the past, due to US Government’s racial discrimination policy and low personal qualities of American Chinese, very few American Chinese could find roles to play in American government. In recent years, however, as American Chinese have rapidly improved their economic status, and a large number of American Chinese have appeared in all fields, and their political status has dramatically improved. More and more American Chinese have established themselves in government, jurisprudence, army and law enforcement. Examples of these outstanding people include Chen Xiangmei, Vice-Chairman of the White House Committee on Exports and Zhao Xiaolan, Vice-Minister of the Ministry of Communications. According to an estimate by famous lawyer Xu Yongshou, at present over 1000 American Chinese are serving as lawyers and judges.

解析 1、本段主要介绍美籍华人近年来在提高自身社会及政治地位方面所取得的成就.故采用现在完成时为总体时态。
2、第1句的“华人”指的是“美籍华人”或“华裔美国人”,所以应根据上下文译为American Chinese,而不可简单地译为Chinese。Chinese通常会被理解为“中国人”,从严格的政治与法律的角度来看,中国人如不加入美国国籍,成为“美籍华人”或“华裔美国人”,即American Chinese,原本就无法“涉足”美国政坛。
3、根据上下文,第2句的“政界”应译为government。“军警界”译为army and law enforcement。“白宫出口委员会”和“(美国)交通部”作为美国的政府机构,有正式的官方译名,分别是White House Committee on Exports和Ministry of Communications,在考试的环境下可根据意思翻译。
4、在介绍人物及其头衔职务时,汉语的方式是头衔在前,名字在后,如交通部副部长赵小兰,英文的方式是人名在前,头衔在后,应译为Zhao Xiaolan,Vice—Minister of theMinistry of Communications。
