
admin2015-01-09  32

问题     人们发现,所有在国外旅行的人都根据他们自己的风俗习惯来评价他们的所见所闻和他们所吃的东西。凡是广泛阅读过有关外国情况的书刊的人,他们往往比较能适应,也比较宽容,这是因为他们在开始旅行之前,他们的心胸就已经比较开阔了。事实上,人们在没有直接接触那些事物时是比较容易抱宽容态度的。当一个美国人怡然自得地呆在装有集中供暖设备的家里时,对于大多数中国家庭的住宅里没有集中供暖设备这种情况,他会付之一笑,表示谅解。他能够轻而易举地做到宽宏大量。但是一接触到现实,事情就难办了。人们在直接接触到自己不习惯的事物时,要容忍、谅解就难得多了。


答案 It is found that all people travelling abroad comment on what they see,hear or eat in terms of their own customs and habits. Anyone who has widely read the books and periodicals about foreign countries is more adaptive and tolerant just because their minds have been broadened before the beginning of their trip. As a matter of fact, people hold tolerant attitudes more easily before they are not actually in contact with them. When an American stays at home with central heating systems comfortably and with ease, he would laugh it off that most Chinese homes don’t have such devices as they do.He can shows his consideration and understanding easily. However, once it concerns with the practical status, things will be knotty .When people contact with unaccustomed things directly, it is much more difficulty for them to be tolerant and considerate.

