In recent years, more and more college students have been doing part-time jobs. Some people think it will interfere with their s

admin2011-01-02  28

问题    In recent years, more and more college students have been doing part-time jobs. Some people think it will interfere with their studies, while others argue that it can benefit them in many respects. Write an essay of about 400 words on
                     College Students Should (Not) Take Part-time Jobs
   In the first part of your writing you should present your thesis statement, and in the second part you should support the thesis statement with appropriate details. In the last part you should bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or a summary.
   Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriacy. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks.
   Write your composition on ANSWER SHEET FOUR


答案 College Students Should Take Part-Time Jobs 刘婷 When it comes to college students doing part-time jobs, people tend to simply relate it to money making and hastily jump to the conclusion that it will interfere with their studies. In fact, after-school work would benefit college students in various ways. College students should be encouraged to take part-time jobs. First, having a part-time job helps cultivate the sense of independence among young people. Nowadays, the young generations have been brought up in the meticulous care of their parents. They have got used to relying on their parents so much so that they tend to lack the world of independence. Taking a part-time job would introduce them into a fresh environment and experience beyond their parents’ supervision. It therefore provides them with an opportunity to think about and tackle problems independently. Second, part-time job experiences prepare students for their future development. In college, students have little chance to apply their knowledge in the real world. Taking a part-time job can help them practice what they have learnt from school, which would become a precious experience for their career. What’s more, a job experience gives students an insight into the competitive business world so that they can get psychologically prepared for it. Third, taking part-time jobs can provide college students with an opportunity to enhance their social skills that can never be acquired from textbooks. The experience of after-school work will enable them to learn to be reliable, responsible, and sociable. To be reliable demands them not only to come to work on time, but also show their dedication to the company by working hard to achieve its goal. To be responsible requires the & to bear in mind that they must make their efforts in what they are doing. To be sociable means to cultivate friendliness and pleasant relations with their supervisors and co-workers. Nowadays, being sociable is definitely one of the essential qualities a student should foster if he wants to succeed in life. Fourth, after-school work helps develop thriftiness in college students. After taking a part-time ]ob, students would know how hard it is to earn money and would not spend it freely. They would better appreciate the fruit of their hard work and develop a sense of thriftiness. To sum up, taking a part-time job enables college students to become more independent, thrifty, as well as well-prepared for their future career. Taking a part-time job will naturally be one of the desirable choices for college students to consider.

