Complete the form below. Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS OR A NUMBER for each answer. Health club customer rese

admin2014-11-08  28

问题 Complete the form below.
Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS OR A NUMBER for each answer.
                    Health club customer research
Example               Answer
Name:                 Selina Thompson
Occupation:            【L1】______.
Age group:             【L2】______.
Type of membership:     【L3】______
Length of membership:   【L4】______years
Why joined:             Recommended by a 【L5】______
Visits to club per month:  Eight(on an average)______
Facility used most:      【L6】______
Facility not used(If any):  Tennis courts
                      (because reluctant to 【L7】______)
Suggestions for          Have more 【L8】______
                      Install 【L9】______in the gym.
                     Open 【L10】______later at weekends.
Narrator: You will hear a woman being interviewed by a market researcher in a health dub, about her membership of the club. First, you have some time to look at Questions 1-5. You will see that there is an example which has been done for you. On this occasion only, the conversation relating to this will be played first.
Man: Oh, excuse me, I wonder if you’d have the time to take part in some market research?
Woman: Umm ... What’s it about?
Man: About this club and your experiences and opinions about being a member. It’ll take less than five minutes.
Woman: Oh ... OK then ... as long as it’s quick.
Man: Can I start by taking your name?
Woman: It’s Selina Thompson.
Man: Is that T-H-O-M-P-S-O-N?
Woman: Yes.
Man: Great, thanks...
Narrator: The woman’s name is Thompson, with a p, so Thompson’ has been written in the space.
Now we shall begin. You should answer the questions as you listen because you will not hear the recording a second time. Listen carefully and answer Questions 1-5.
Man: Oh, excuse me, I wonder if you’d have the time to take part in some market research?
Woman: Umm ... What’s it about?
Man: About this club and your experiences and opinions about being a member. It’ll take less than five minutes.
Woman: Oh ... OK then ... as long as it’s quick.
Man: Can I start by taking your name?
Woman: It’s Selina Thompson.
Man: Is that T-H-O-M-P-S-O-N?
Woman: Yes.
Man: Great, thanks... And what do you do for a living?
Woman: Well, I’m an accountant but I’m between jobs at the moment.
Man: I understand, but that’s the job I’ll put down on the form. And would you mind my asking which age group you fall into? Below thirty, thirty-one to fifty and above.
Woman: Over fifty ... I think we can safely say.
Man: Great, thanks. And which type of membership do you have?
Woman: Sorry, I’m not sure what you mean? Do you mean how long ... ?
Man: No, is it a single person membership ... ?
Woman: Oh right... no, it’s a family membership.
Man: Thanks and how long have you been a member?
Woman: Oh ... let me see ... I was certainly here five years ago ... and it was probably two to three years more than that...
Man: Shall I put down eight?
Woman: I remember now ... it’s nine ... definitely ... sorry.
Man: No problem ... I’ve got that. And the last question in this first part is, what brought you to the club?
Woman: Sorry ... ?
Man: How did you find out about the club? Did you see any ads?
Woman: Well, I did actually but I have to say I wasn’t really attracted to the club because of that. It was through word of mouth.
Man: So you were recommended by a friend?
Woman: Actually my doctor... I’d been suffering from high blood pressure and he said the club was very supportive of people with that condition, so I signed up.
Man: Great... thanks.
Narrator: Before you hear the rest of the conversation, you have some time to look at Questions 6-10. Now listen and answer Questions 6-10.
Man: Now for the second part of the form I want to ask a bit more about your experience of the club.
Woman: Sure.
Man: How often would you say you use the club ... ?
Woman: It varies enormously depending on how busy I am.
Man: Of course ... but on average ... per month?
Woman: I’d say it averages out at twice a week.
Man: OK, so eight on average.
Woman: Yeah. And four of those are aqua-aerobics classes.
Man: That leads me to the next question ... would you say the swimming pool is the facility you make most use of?
Woman: Fair to say that... yeah.
Man: Right, thanks ... And are there any facilities you don’t use?
Woman: One area I realise I’ve never used is the tennis courts ... and there’s one simple reason for that ...
Man: You don’t play tennis?
Woman: Actually, I’m not bad at it... it’s that I’m not happy having to pay extra ... for that privilege.
Man: I’ve made a note of that... thanks. Now in the last section are there any suggestions or recommendations you have for improvements to the club?
Woman: Only about health and fitness?
Man: Anything at all ...
Woman: Well, I’d like to see more social events ... it isn’t just a question of getting together for games or classes but other things, you know.
Man: Yes, sure.
Woman: And another thing that I was thinking when I had my yoga class in the gym last night—we were all sweltering in the heat—was that I think they should put in ... you know ...
Man: air conditioning.
Woman: That’s exactly what I mean. The rooms are really light and well designed but they do need proper installations.
Man: Sure ... well I’ve made a note of that...
Woman: Good.
Man: ... so is there anything else you’d like to suggest... about quality of service, for example?
Woman: Oh, everyone’s very nice here ... they couldn’t be more friendly and helpful... oh but I tell you what... it’s a shame the restaurant isn’t open in the evening on Saturday... and Sunday as well for that matter.
Man: So ... the club should ...
Woman: ... open it later on those days.
Man: OK ... well thank you very much, that’s all the questions ...



