
admin2019-04-11  49

问题     在中国,许多家庭把希望放在他们的孩子身上。希望他们的孩子能够帮助他们实现上大学的梦想。作为新一代的独生子女——中国计划生育的产物,他们面临各种学业上的压力。这其中主要是怎样考进重点高中与重点大学。许多孩子从上小学开始就要做很多作业,他们没有时间娱乐,甚至休息。他们早上6点钟上学,晚上11点才能上床睡觉。到周末的时候他们还要去上各种补习班。这种教育无法使学生全面发展,而且还会给青少年带来许多身体与心理上的伤害。他们也会在这种以考试为中心的教育模式中逐渐失去对学习的兴趣。以考试为中心的教育模式很容易导致学校、家长、学生本人只以学习成绩作为评估标准。长此以往,这种教育理念会导致一种非常不健康的教育价值观。所以,教育体制改革.全面开展青少年的素质教育是中国教育亟待解决的问题。


答案 In China, many families place their hopes on their children. They hope their children can realize their dream of going to college instead of them. As a new generation of only one child—a product of China’s family planning, they face a variety of academic pressure. The most pressing problem is how to enter a key high school and university. From the beginning of primary school, many children have to do a lot of home work, furthermore they have no time for entertainment, and even rest. They go to school at 6 o’ clock and go to bed at 11 in the evening. By the end of the week, they have to go to cram schools. This kind of education cannot develop students’ all-round development, but also bring a lot of physical and psychological harm to teenagers. They will also gradually lose interest in learning in the education model of an exam—oriented. The education model of exam-oriented is very easy to cause the school, the parents and the students to take the academic achievement as the only evaluation standard. If things go on like this, this kind of education conception will lead to an inappropriate education value. Therefore, the reform of the educational system and the comprehensive development of the quality education for the young people are the urgent problems to be solved in China’s education.

