
admin2015-11-30  466

问题 上海是中国的工商业中心,是繁忙的港口城市,是中国的科技中心,同时也是一座发达的经济大都市。在20世纪二三十年代,上海就深受西方文化的影响,被称为“冒险家的乐园(paradise)”。随着商业的发展,大量外国公司在此落户。新的观念也随着商人和洋人的到来而传人。上海人用洋货,讲洋文,在洋行做事。这一切造就了上海人观念开放、敢于尝试新鲜事物的特点。


答案 Shanghai is China’s industrial and commercial capital. It is a busy seaport as well as a science and technology center, and has a vibrant business community. Shanghai was heavily influenced by Western culture, beginning in the 1920s and 1930s. It was called "a paradise of the adventurers". A lot of Western companies opened offices there as trade and commerce began to develop. New ideas were brought in, together with the arrival of businessmen and foreigners. Shanghai residents were overwhelmed with imported merchandise, foreign languages, and jobs at foreign companies. As a result, Shanghai people are very open-minded and receptive to new things.

解析 1.我们在翻译第一句中的“同时也是一座发达的经济大都市”时,特意避免了和前面的短句采取一样的主系表结构,没有直译,而将其翻译成了and has a vibrant business community,使语言和结构富于变化,更具活力。
2.第二句中,我们没有像大部分考生那样习惯性地将“在20世纪二三十年代”翻译为In the 1920sand 1930s,而是将其处理成了分词短语作状语,翻译为beginning in the 1920s and 1930s。
3.第三句中的“落户”和居民的落户不同,指的是公司的落户,也就是公司的成立、设立,所以我们将其翻译为open offices。
4.倒数第二句中,“用洋货,讲洋文,在洋行做事”,三个“洋”字同时出现在一句话中,要翻译出彩并不容易,实际上这里的“洋”指的就是“国外的”,这句话我们翻译成Shanghai residents wereoverwhelmed with imported merchandise,foreign languages,and jobs at foreign companies.避免了反复出现foreign,几乎没有中式英文的痕迹。
