[A] Argue with plentiful examples [B] Prepare the arguments [C] Listen attentively [D] Help them [E] Give a good exa

admin2020-02-12  54

问题    [A] Argue with plentiful examples
   [B] Prepare the arguments
   [C] Listen attentively
   [D] Help them
   [E] Give a good example
   [F] Impress people with your profession
   [G] Try to look professional
   How to Get People to Do What You Want
   Can you always prove your point of view to any person you meet? There are situations where you know you’re right but you can’t make people believe and understand you. If you master the art of persuasion, you’ll easily become able to persuade anyone in your life with these tips. Remember, persuasion is something different from manipulation.
   Manipulation means you make someone do what he doesn’t want to do. Persuasion is the process when you explain to a person what benefits he is going to gain if he understands and accepts your side. This skill is always useful—no matter who you are and what job you have, and the place you’re living in. It’s great if you have an ability to make people do what’s really better for both sides thus here are several great tips on how to persuade anyone...
   When we’re trying to persuade someone, we forget to listen to him. You should listen to what he say and even how he act to make him accept your position easily. Try to be serious when talking about some business. When the subject of persuasion is entertainment, try to be funny and inspiring. You also need to take the person’s gestures into consideration as when you act like him, he subconsciously treat you as someone close, and you have more chances to prove that your point of view is good for both of you.    【R2】______
   If you want people to do something for you, then why not do something for them? When asking someone to make you a favor, make something pleasant and useful for that person yourself in advance. People will easier agree with your requests. You should aim not only to take but also to give for your persuasion to be successful.
   If you want to persuade the person to do something good for both of you, then take care to have all possible arguments prepared. First of all, people want to hear the advantages of the choice you’re suggesting them make. For instance, if you want to persuade your friend to travel somewhere, you need to explain why this trip is amazing, what is the favorite part of the traveling and why both of you will be happy with that
   One of the best ways to get someone to do what you want is to give a good example from your own life. If you want your partner to go shopping with you, do not manipulate, instead introduce some of your favorite stores and explain why you want to visit them. Or, if you want your coworkers to accomplish their task on time, tell them how easily you did the same task yesterday.
   The way you look mostly matters when the object of persuasion is someone who doesn’t know you much. If you try to prove your potential employer that you’re a good worker, dress to impress. Dress smartly and appropriately and make sure your shoes are well-polished. The way you look often depends on whom you’re going to persuade, so pay attention to your clothes before rushing out the door.



解析 本段首句是主题句,大意是:如果你要说服的对象并不太了解你,那你给他留下的印象就很重要了。接下来本段集中讨论外表方面的问题。各个选项中,G中的look“看起来,看上去”与本段讨论内容较为接近;look professional与文中出现的The way you look、appearance、dress to impress相对应,能很好概括本段段意,故确定G为本题答案。
