A、Cooling yourself down plus good communication. B、Deep breathing plus sending e-mail. C、Physical exercise plus documentation. D

admin2017-03-20  25

Interviewer(M)      Katherine Crowley(W)
Now, listen to Part One of the interview.
M:(1)If you would like to know how to deal with the aggravating people who make you dread of going into the office, Katherine Crowley, the writer of a book called Working with You Is Killing Me: Freeing Yourself from Emotional Traps at Work will tell you the answer. She joins us now. Good to have you with us.
W: Good morning.
M:(2- 1)What surprised me when I read this book is you say "Quit complaining, do something". You say the best thing to do is to change yourself because you are not going to change the other person.
W: That’s right.(3)What I found in working with many thousands of people over the last 20 years is that it’s futile to try and change another person. So, the best thing you can do is begin by changing your internal reaction and then we give you very concrete tools for how to change your experience.
M: What’s this business about unhooking yourself?
W:(4-1)Well, we give you this process. It’s actually four steps and the first two steps are to cool down your system. Because as we all know, when those co-workers really annoy you, you immediately get upset.(4 - 2)So the first two steps are deep breathing or doing some sort of physical exercise if you can run out of the building and walk around the block.
M: Yeah. You say you spend a lot of time talking people off the ledge, which is essentially calming them down. But once you’ve done that and that seems very intuitive, then what do we do?
W:(4- 3)Well, the next two steps would be taking action. To unhook verbally as what we say, you should find something to move the situation forward and take the high road not accusatory but a win-win kind of communication, and then you look for a business tool whether it’s documentation of some kind or sending out an e-mail or referring to a job description.
M: Okay, but doesn’t it seem a little defeatist to say you have to change yourself? Is it really "me" that has to change as supposed to the other person?
W: Well, have you ever changed anybody? No, you can’t. You can’t change somebody. But if you can change your reaction to them, you’ll have a much better love-work life.
M: Yeah, but they are still going to be annoying, aren’t they?
W: That’s right.(2-2)They are not going to change, so in part of the book we explain to you how to detach and stop taking it personally.
M: Alright. You spend a lot of time telling me about types of co-workers. So what is the most common annoying type of co-workers?
W: The most common annoying type of co-workers are called "boundary-busters".(5)So, whether it’s someone who invades your space, makes too much noise, eats up your time, chews your ear off. Those are boundary-busters.
This is the end of Part One of the interview. Questions 1 to 5 are based on what you have just heard.
1. What does this part of the interview focus on?
2. What is NOT mentioned in Katherine’s book?
3. Which of the following is the best way to deal with the annoying co-workers?
4. According to the interview, how can you unhook yourself?
5. Which of the following can NOT describe " boundary-busters" ?

选项 A、Cooling yourself down plus good communication.
B、Deep breathing plus sending e-mail.
C、Physical exercise plus documentation.
D、Accusation plus taking action.


解析 本题设题点在对话问答处。根据句(4一1)、句(4—2)和句(4—3)可知,使自己从恼人的境况中解放出来有四个步骤,其中前两步的目的是先让自己冷静下来,这需要一个过程。具体的做法是,做深呼吸或做一些体育运动。接下来的两步就是采取行动,即利用业务使彼此找到机会得以沟通并达成共赢,譬如通过递文件、发邮件或谈及工作项目规划等方式,而不是去责难对方。因此[A]为正确答案。
