
admin2014-12-05  68

问题     化学和生物武器从技术上说几乎是完全不同的。化学武器是可以以水蒸汽、烟雾浮起或液体状态传播的剧毒合成物。反之,生物武器则是能引起疾病的活体微生物或是以空气悬浮物形式传播、可被人体吸人的最有效的毒素(即从活的生物体中所提炼出的致命化学品)。化学武器需要类似喷雾器或爆炸性装置的散播系统。一旦在毫无保护的人群中散播开来,化学武器可迅速起作用,并在几秒钟或几分钟内使受害人群出现明显症状。大多数化学武器具有特殊气味,并可用肉眼分辨。化学武器的作用取决于一系列因素,包括毒剂剂量,受害人接触毒剂时间的长短及可获得的保护或医疗措施,所以接触了化学毒剂并不一定都会致命。


答案Technologically, chemical and biological weapons are almost entirely different. Chemical weapons are highly toxic poisonous, manufactured substances that can be disseminated as vapors, aerosols, or liquids. Biological weapons, on the other hand, are living, disease-causing microorganisms or toxins which, in their most effective form, are disseminated as aerosols that are inhaled. Chemical weapons require a dissemination system, such as a sprayer or explosive device. Once released against an unprotected population, chemical weapons tend to function quickly and can produce noticeable symptoms within an affected group in a matter of seconds or minutes. Most chemical weapons have a distinctive odor and can be seen in the atmosphere. Exposure to a chemical warfare agent is not necessarily fatal, since the effects of chemical weapons depend on a wide range of factors , including dose, the length of time a person is exposed, the level of protection a person has, and whether medical treatment is available.

